There are many great and wonderful shows out in the world today. One of the best of these shows is NCIS. As a college student, I really relate to some of the struggles of Gibbs, Dinozzo, Abby, McGee, and Bishop. So here are 15 college moments as told by NCIS.
1. The first day of class, when the professor says that attendance will be taken and absences count against you (especially worse if it’s an 8 a.m.)
2. When you come to class and find out you have a pop quiz
3. So you decided not to do the reading
4. That test you thought you did alright on
5. The feeling you get from that first cup of coffee in the morning
6. Finally making new friends
7. Taking finals like what
8. Leaving campus for break
9. Seeing your CFA in Saga
10. Trying to remember important information during an exam
11. When the professor takes down that kid that always talks back
12. Response for when asked how school (or your love life) is going
13. When professors notice that you may or may not have done the homework
14. Waking up from a midday nap, ready to take on the world
15. When the professor gives you points back on the test
College is an interesting and sometimes unexplainable world. Hopefully, the wonderful cast of NCIS has helped you find some sense of peace and order during this chaotic time.