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Nature’s Effect On Art

How Perry-Mansfield changed my life as an artist.

Nature’s Effect On Art
Emily Sutton

“What is Perry-Mansfield?” you may be asking yourself. Just last year, I was asking myself that same question. Although not highly known, Perry-Mansfield is a performing arts camp that trains young dancers, actors, and even equestrians. But unlike most summer intensives, Perry-Mansfield has a unique location. The camp is located in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Steamboat Springs, CO. That is one of the reasons why it is so special.

Take it from me personally, being surrounded by nature changes the way you think and work as an artist. It lets your creative juices flow and humbles you as a person. I was lucky enough to take dance classes in these amazing facilities where I was encompassed by wildlife. One of the studios was made up of windows that covered three of the four walls and the other studio did not have any walls at all. This way we could truly be engulfed in our surroundings and as cheesy as it sounds, be one with nature. Along with the music from live musicians, I was able to hear the birds chirping in the morning and hear the river flowing as I danced. I was able to look at snow topped mountains and bright green fields with horses roaming in it as I stood at the ballet bar. I even saw a deer right outside of the studio one day. This is unlike any normal dance studio where you are in front of the mirror everyday, forced to stare at yourself and pick apart everything you are doing wrong. At Perry-Mansfield you are able to get out of the mirror and more importantly, out your head. Without mirrors in any of the studios, you are able to feel the movement rather than see it, and for that, I am very grateful. It is not everyday you get to experience those feelings. Normally, we are so concentrated on what we look like that we forget why we danced in the first place, because we love it.

Now, I can talk about how beautiful Colorado is all day. However, it was not just the scenery that impacted how I danced at Perry-Mansfield, it was also the people. I was surrounded by the sweetest and most genuine individuals. Twenty-two “pre-professional” college students, most of them who I did not know, entered the camp, and by the end of the ten days, we came out as a unit—our passion bringing us together. Even in the short time we had together, I was affected and inspired by each and every one of them. Along with the individuals attending the camp, Perry-Mansfield also has the best faculty and staff. Every person truly cares for you and wants you to have the best experience you possibly can. With their positivity oozing out of them, you can’t help but smile when you are there. I was also lucky to get to work with Stacey Tookey and her professional company, Still Motion. Being around professional dancers and hearing their stories about how they achieved their goals was incredibly inspiring and motivating. Towards the end of the week we all sat in a circle, the twenty-two college students and the company, and talked about what we celebrated in ourselves along with our insecurities. Talking with other dancers made me realize that everyone had similar insecurities, even professional dancers. It is about learning to push past them and not let them stand in your way. That, along with determination and hard work, is how you make it in the dance world.

If you are a dancer or artist, I highly recommend attending Perry-Mansfield. The beauty and people who surround you will change the way you think, work, and create. It allows you to put down your phone, get away from your everyday life, and truly enjoy what you are doing. Not to mention, you will literally be a part of history. Perry-Mansfield has been around for over 100 years with many influential and notable alumni including Doris Humphrey, Charles Weidman, Jose Limon, Hanya Holm, Louis Horst, and Agnes de Mille, to name a few. This place is truly magical and I can honestly say it changed who I am as a person and a dancer.

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