“Why are all girls so fake nowadays? Why are they such try-hards when it comes to makeup?” You’ve probably heard these questions before, or at least similar ones, from not only men but ironically also women. Women are utilizing tons of different forms of makeup. Primer, foundation, concealer, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, bronzer… the list of products for women to indulge in is endless but, as a result, women are being constantly judged and ridiculed for being “fake.” When a woman chooses to use makeup as a tool to enhance her beauty, she is labelled as “artificial,” but when a woman chooses not to wear makeup in a society where makeup use is the social norm, she is forced to listen to condescending remarks, as well. Why can women not even present themselves the way they choose without it sparking an uproar? I’m tired of hearing people ask, “What ever happened to natural beauty?”
It was not until my sophomore year of college that I began experimenting around with makeup; I started applying primer, foundation, concealer, eye makeup, and even fake eyelashes, on a daily basis. It wasn’t so that I could attract attention from the guys on campus, and it definitely wasn’t because I was insecure about my natural appearance. I choose to put makeup on everyday because it not only enhances my appearance but also boosts my self confidence. The feeling of maturity and femininity that I acquired as a result of wearing makeup was unlike anything I had ever felt before, which is why it has become something that I consider worth waking up at 5am everyday for.
Women wear makeup for different reasons, and it is not anyone’s business to judge them for it. If a woman wears makeup to impress the men around her, then let her. If she doesn’t, then don’t attack her for it. People need to stop assuming that women do anything for their benefit and realize that 99% of the time, we are doing these things for our own satisfaction and no one else’s. Women wear makeup to varying degrees; for example, I do not contour my face or use bronzer but some of my friends have it down to a science. Everyone applies makeup based on their preferences; some go for a more natural look while others intentionally alter their appearance significantly. Let women wear their purple eyeshadows and rock their fake nails, and let them dye their hair blood red. Let them wear sweatpants and no makeup without looking at them as if they look terminally ill. Stop the judgement.
Beauty may be “in the eye of the beholder,” but that does not mean that women are required to present themselves in the way that is desired by other people. There is no such thing as “natural beauty versus artificial beauty.” It’s not a contest! For some, it is a creative outlet, while for others it is a way to feel good about themselves. The constant backlash women deal with ruins the experience that every women is entitled to enjoy. In fact, not only women have a right to enjoy it; I have seen YouTube makeup tutorials by men who know what they are doing way better than I do.
Have you ever seen the meme online that says, “this is why you need to take a woman swimming on the first date?” or “this is why I have trust issues?” Those memes deserve negative criticism, not the women that are being targeted by them. If someone thinks that a woman naturally has rainbow eyelids or wings at the end of her eyes, then they are the ones with the problem. Keep rocking your look with makeup or without it based on your preference, and feel beautiful everyday.