Why A Natural Skincare Routine Changed My Life | The Odyssey Online
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Why A Natural Skincare Routine Changed My Life

Drop the skin care routines off the market and take on a natural approach to clearing acne.

Why A Natural Skincare Routine Changed My Life

The after effects of middle school left high school me with an extreme sense of insecurity when it came to my skin. I suffered severe acne in my throughout middle school and then into high school. I tried everything. From Proactiv to prescriptions to countless doctor and dermatologist appointments. Nothing was seeming to work and a lot of the products I had been using seemed to actually be making my skin worse. So, I strayed from seeking medical help and started experimenting on my own over the next couple years to see what would work and what made my skin worse.


During high school, I developed an intolerance to dairy. Once I weeded dairy out of my diet, I noticed a significant difference in my skin. The number of breakouts I had was definitely taking a large hit. After seeing the change, I did some research and found that dairy (milk especially) can actually cause acne. Milk and dairy products contain growth hormones and inflammatory substances that clog your pores and cause acne.

I've always been a healthy eater, but just like every human, I have junk food cravings sometimes. Whether it's a bag of salt and vinegar chips or a can of soda, I splurge. But, whenever I gave into these delicious treats I noticed a breakout not even hours later. Not this defiantly isn't the case for everyone, but again, this is a personal discovery that I have made over my own experience with acne.

Being an athlete, I tend to consume much more water than the average person and this is essential to my skin care routine. On days I drink more water my skin feels clean, and to go with a cheesy term, it has a 'glow'. What I mean by this is that blotchiness/redness seem to be less noticeable the more hydrated I am.

Natural Products

Tea tree oil, coconut oil and witch hazel. Say hello to my three skin care BFFs. After I stopped using skin washes such as Proactive, Clean&Clear and every other skin wash on the planet that claims to clear acne (trust me, I've tried them all), I noticed that my skin was reacting so badly to the products because of their ingredients. Among all the other words that I can't pronounce on the back of the bottle, one stood out. Benzoyl Peroxide. My arch enemy. This substance is used in almost every face care product on the market and let me tell you, it's dangerous for acne sufferers like me. My skin allergically reacting to this chemical and was the reason for my acne getting worse.

So, I did a little research on the internet for some natural paths to skincare. These three products, (tea tree oil, coconut oil and witch hazel) were a constant in almost all articles I read. It wasn't until this summer that I became more active in using just these three things. It completely changed my life. It was almost like I woke up the next day after using these three in my routine and my skin was almost clear already. The acne scars seemed to have less pigment and the overall feel of my skin was soft and clean! It was like a miracle only seven years due!

My Routine

In the morning, when I wake up, I use a cotton pad to wipe my face with witch hazel. Sometimes it takes two so don't be surprised if the first one is filled with a lot of gunk. Witch hazel is a great pore cleaner and removes all dirt and grime from your face. Then I use just a little of coconut oil and rub it in an upwards motion to get into all pores for a couple minutes. (Secret Tip: Coconut oil is a great lotion for entire body. Lotions on the market have so many hazardous chemicals in them. Coconut oil is a natural lotion and leaves your skin feeling soft and hydrated all day.)

Throughout the day, I will use the witch hazel again, maybe two or three times, depending on how much I'm sweating. If I am not home, then I will substitute this out for baby wipes. I do this just to make sure my skin is staying clean. Dirt sitting on your skin throughout the day can also cause breakouts.

Before I go to bed, I will again wipe my face with witch hazel on a cotton pad, and then I will apply a small amount of tea tree oil (very small, you will notice tea tree oil has an overpowering scent) to any spots that I feel are inflamed or have a minor breakout. Tea tree oil is not only great for breakouts, but it helps with scaring by repairing any red or pigmentation in the skin. You will notice that I tend to skip the whole 'washing your face' because washing your face every day strips the natural oils that your body produces and actually helps to keep your skin clear.

Once a week I do like to exfoliate my skin to get rid of any dirt I've missed. I take a tablespoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of baking soda, add a little warm water and then scrub my face using this concoction on a small towel. I then make sure to apply either tea tree or coconut oil after to ensure the exfoliation doesn't dry my skin.

Now I'm not telling you this routine will work for you. I'm not saying that you need to stop using Proactiv or any other face care routine you use. This is what has worked for me and my acne. With that said, everyone's skin is different. Sometimes it just takes a little trial and error to see what will work best for you. I hope that an insight into my routine can help you compare your skin patterns to mine. All the natural products that I mentioned are easy to buy. Walgreens carries cheap tea tree oil, Walmart or Target both carry witch hazel and Trader Joe's has a totally gigantic jar of coconut oil for super cheap.

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