Natural Phenomena of Our World | The Odyssey Online
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Natural Phenomena of Our World

Natural phenomena are non-manmade observable occurrences that you might have to see to believe.

Natural Phenomena of Our World

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis, better known as the Northern Lights, occur in the Northern Hemisphere. They are caused by the collision of energetically charged particles with atoms in the high altitude thermosphere within the atmosphere.

Dirty Thunderstorms

Dirty Thunderstorms, also known as volcanic lightning, occur when lightning is produced inside a volcanic plume.

Grand Canyon

Located in the United States, the Grand Canyon is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The rock found at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is 2 billions years old. The Grand Canyon stretches for 277 miles and is a prime tourist site.

Vertical Light Pillars

Vertical Light Pillars are formed through the reflection of sunlight or moonlight by ice crystals that are present in the Earth's atmosphere.

Great Barrier Reef

Located in the Coral Sea off Queensland, Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is the most diverse ecosystem in the world and is 1,616 miles in length. It is made up of 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands, making it the largest reef in the world.

Lenticular Clouds

Lenticular Clouds are more rare stationary lens-shaped clouds that form in the troposphere.

Mount Everest

Located within the Himalaya Mountains on the border of Nepal and the People's Republic of China, Mount Everest tallest mountain in the World.

Sailing Stones

Found in Death Valley, USA, sailing stones are a geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without human or animal intervention.

Circumhorizontal Arcs

Nicknamed Fire Rainbows, Circumhorizontal Arcs are an optical phenomenon featuring an ice halo formed by plate-shaped ice crystals in high-level cirrus clouds.

The Great Blue Hole

Located off the coast of Belize, The Great Blue Hole is a submarine sinkhole 300m across and 124m deep.

Christmas Island's Red Crab Migration

An estimated 43 million land crabs migrate to lay their eggs on Christmas Island each year. The town closes the roads during the typical weeklong migration period.

Bioluminescent Waves

When Phytoplankton washed ashore by the tides, their chemical energy is turned into light energy.

Surreal Spider Webs

Thousands of spiders flee from flooding waters to make cobwebbed spider webs in Wagga Wagga, Australia.

Hinatuan River

The Hinatuan River, better known as The Enchanted River, is a river that runs through the Philippines by an unknown source. It is not known exactly where the river comes from.

Catatumbo Lighting

Catatumbo Lightining occurs at the mouth of the Catatumbo River in Venezuela. The storm occurs up to 160 nights a year, 10 hours per day, and 280 times an hour.

Abraham Lake

When the lake freezes, methane becomes trapped inside large round air bubbles within the lake. They look beautiful on the outside, but are highly explosive and flammable if you get to close.

Pink Lakes

The Pink Lakes of Western Australia have a vibrant pink color due to the dyes and bacteria found in the copious amount of alleges within the lakes.

Door to Hell

In 1971, an accident occurred at a Soviet drilling site in Turkmenistan. The area has continued burning ever since creating a popular tourist destination to witness the opening to "The Door to Hell."

Salar de Uyuni

Located in Bolivia, Salar de Uyuni was a prehistoric salt lake and is now the world's largest salt flat. During the rainy season, the reflection creates a mirror effect across the surface.

Green Flash

Green Flashes are optical phenomena that occur right after a sunset or just before a sunrise. When conditions are optimal, a green flash can be seen above the upper rim of the setting sun.

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