Holidays and observations are a pretty normal occurrence in the United States. Schools close, people get off work, and families get together for the short time that everyone's schedules seem to fit. Most people do not know that nearly every day is a holiday! Maybe not ones that you may think, but they can add a little fun to your otherwise routine day!
Monday, April 18:
International Juggler's Day
Newspaper Columnists Day
Without newspaper columnists we would not receive news the way we do today. They play a vital role in our society each and every day and the National Society of Newspaper Columnist wants to recognize their value. You should do the same and thank a columnist or at least go buy a newspaper...
Patriot's Day
Patriot's Day recognizes the battle of Lexington and Concord (you know, the battles that started the Revolutionary War?) It's a little sad that most people do not know about this, but non the less, go out today and yell, "The Red Coats are coming!" in your best Paul Revere voice.
Tuesday, April 19:
National Garlic Day
A whole day to celebrate the best food ever?! Yes, please. Garlic is an herb, a vegetable, really good with basically any recipe, it has medical uses, and also wards off evil spirits. It's the OG super food. So today I challenge you to use and eat as much garlic as humanly possible!
Wednesday, April 20:
Look Alike Day
Well for twins this is everyday, but for the rest of the world it's a day to be a copycat. National Look Alike Day is to find someone you either like (or hate i guess?) and try to be them. It's like a glorified Halloween in April cause why not?
Volunteer Recognition Day
This day is dedicated to all the volunteers who dedicate themselves to the different organizations across the world. Big or small, these volunteers make the world a better place and what better way to honor them then to go do your own volunteer work?
Thursday, April 21:
Kindergarten Day
This day is for Friedrich Froebel who opened the first Kindergarten in Germany in 1837! You can thank him for starting school I guess? Either way take a moment today to think back to Kindergarten and ask Mom or Dad to pull out those first day of school pictures!
National High Five Day
Give everyone you see a high five! Pretty self-explanatory and easy. It's fun, it's harmless, and it will most definitely put a smile on somebody's face when they see a random person wanting to give them a high five!
Friday, April 22:
Girl Scout Leader Day
This day celebrates all of the adult volunteers who help run the Girl Scout program. Go thank a group leader today! (Does buying 5 more boxes of Girl Scout cookies count as a thank you?)
National Jelly Bean Day
Did you know jelly beans date back to the 1860's? Didn't think so. Go eat bags and bags of jelly beans today and ride that sugar high all day long!
Saturday, April 23:
Lover's Day
I think I can actually hear the loud sighs and eye rolls of every single person in the world. As if we needed yet another day for everyone in love, here's another. All you folks lucky enough to be in love keep doing you! All you single people out there, take advantage of this day! Go out on a blind date, tell the person you have been eyeing you like them, or just watch Netflix in a dark room alone like I will be doing..
National Zucchini Bread Day
I was unaware there was such a thing as zucchini bread, but here's a day to eat as much as you want without shame! Might as well eat it now before summer comes because you'll be sick of it by then. Summer = overabundance of zucchini everywhere.
Take a Chance Day
AKA do whatever the heck you want day! Take life's risks by the horns. Proceed with caution and practice good judgement everyone.
World Laboratory Day
Today we celebrate everything that comes out of a lab! We got mad discoveries, medical cures, inventions, and the occasional mess up (looking at you Frankenstein). If you're not trained I suggest not to burst into a laboratory, but I'm sure visiting a science museum or your school's science lab will suffice for today.
Sunday, April 24:
Pig in a Blanket Day
Is a Pig in a Blanket a sausage wrapped in a pancake or a hot dog wrapped in Pillsbury dough? That's the real debate. Whichever you prefer, chow down today! Or snuggle with an actual pig in an actual blanket if you're lucky enough to do that.