When we think of October, we think about things like candy corn, pumpkins, fun-sized chocolate bars (or full-sized if you go to the rich people houses) and, of course, Halloween. What if I told you each of these things had their own special day dedicated to their celebration? Here is a list of some of the national days coming up this month!
October 4: National Taco Day
Let's TACO 'bout that
October 6: National Noodle Day
Can I get a(n) rAMEN?
October 7: National Inner Beauty Day
What's on the inside is what really counts :)
October 8: National Pierogi Day
I'm always shocked when people don't know about these doughy potato pockets of deliciousness. If you are one of those ignorant people, now is the time to expose yourself to this magic creation!
October 10: National Cake Decorating Day
I like to think I could be on Cake Boss, but every time I try to decorate a cake I realized that is an unrealistic belief
October 12: National Gumbo Day
Oh, wait... it''s GUMBO? I thought you said WUMBO!
October 13: National No Bra Day
National No Bra day is literally every day for me as soon as I walk in the door after classes are done
October 14: National Dessert Day
National Dessert Day is also every day for me, too
October 17: National Pasta Day
I'm feeling pasta night!
October 18: National Chocolate Cupcake Day
Now the real question here is vanilla or chocolate frosting??? (it makes a big difference)
October 20: National Youth Confidence Day
Being confident is an important factor in being successful, so let's teach them young!
October 21: National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
I prefer my pumpkin cheesecake in ice cream form
October 23: National Boston Cream Pie Day
I've never actually had a Boston cream pie, but the donuts are delicious!
October 24: National Food Day
Did I ever tell you guys that I just really love food?
October 25: National Greasy Foods Day
Gimme all da fries
October 26: National Pumpkin Day
Pumpkins are basically the symbol of October, so they better have their own national day!
October 28: National Chocolate Day
This makes the fact that I have already eaten all of the candy I bought for the trick-or-treaters before Halloween acceptable, right?
October 29: National Oatmeal Day / National Cat Day
These are two of my favorite things... wow, I really am a grandma...
October 30: National Candy Corn Day
Fun fact: candy corn is voted the worst Halloween candy every year
October 31: HALLOWEEN / National Doorbell Day
Doorbells get the most use on Halloween, which makes it appropriate to celebrate National Doorbell Day on October 31!