What Trump is doing during the National Emergency | The Odyssey Online
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Yo, President Trump, I'm Not Sure Golfing Is Appropriate During A Time Of 'National Emergency'

Even if your “national emergency” is a sham, should you at least be pretending it isn’t?

Yo, President Trump, I'm Not Sure Golfing Is Appropriate During A Time Of 'National Emergency'

On Friday, President Trump declared a made-up national emergency to try and get the money for the stupid, blatantly racist, waste-of-money border wall without Congressional approval. Talk about an autocrat. And then, right after he did this, he jetted off to Mar-a-Lago to go golfing because #priorities.

You'd think at least his Twitter would be full of tweets trying to convince us that this clearly fake “national emergency" is a real thing to try and rationalize his blatant power grab. Well, you'd be wrong because, on Sunday, he decided to attack the First Amendment by basically saying SNL should be illegal because they made fun of our poor little Toddler-in-Chief and it really hurt his feelings.

This is clearly not how a president should be behaving during a “national emergency," which only reinforces the idea that it's completely made-up.

I mean, we could spend a whole entire article debunking all the conspiracies and myths that the president likes to use to try and justify wasting billions of dollars on something that is not going to even work.

If you want a real national emergency, how about the ridiculously unaffordable price of prescription drugs? The cost of insulin, which many people NEED to survive, has absolutely sky-rocketed. People are going to literally DIE because they can't afford to buy the medications they need to live.

If you want a real national emergency, how about climate change? Yes, it is 100% real, and no, just because it's snowing outside does not mean that global warming is not a real thing. There is a difference between the climate and the weather. If we continue on the path we're on, we're going to see more devastating natural disasters and global famine. Again, people are going to literally DIE.

If you want a real national emergency, how about the increasing number of unvaccinated children? There is a measles outbreak right now thanks to the fact that our herd immunity is decreased. The number of unvaccinated children is increasing. DEADLY diseases that were once almost eliminated are returning. This is a public health emergency because people are going to literally DIE.

There are so many other things that are actually worthy of a national emergency, but a pointless border wall is not. Even President Trump knows this. That's why he's not even trying that hard to sell us this sham.

Don't get me wrong. We do need to fix our immigration system. But President Trump abusing his power by bypassing Congress is not the way to fix it.

Besides, if our immigration problem is really bad enough to warrant a national emergency, then President Trump, why are you not doing your job? Why did you spend your weekend golfing and bitching on Twitter about SNL instead of solving this supposed “national emergency?"

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