Yes, Nathan Chen Fell, But Stop Bashing His Performance During His First Winter Olympics | The Odyssey Online
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Yes, Nathan Chen Fell, But Stop Bashing His Performance During His First Winter Olympics

Nathan Chen is a skating genius for his age, and he does not need his own country continuing to bash him after his fall.

Yes, Nathan Chen Fell, But Stop Bashing His Performance During His First Winter Olympics
YouTube | NBC Sports

It looks like the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics are a slap in the face as Team USA, even with the most participants of any country, is performing as terribly as any team can possibly perform. However, in this year's Olympics, I think I can safely say that the figure skating competition was simply over-the-top. The one problem, though, is that we always go back to Nathan Chen's debut Olympic performance and how he just happened to fall in front of everyone. For those of you just need to see the fall again click here.

Nathan Chen is an 18-year-old skating "God" to some people, and it's already pretty impressive that he's at the Olympics at his age. Some of his personal  achievements include a gold medal in the ISU Grand Priz Final in 2017, a gold medal at the Four Continents Championship in 2017 and a silver medal in the ISU Grand Prix Final in 2016. Those are only a few of his long list of achievements, but just listing those facts should be more than enough to prove that Nathan Chen does not need our hate for falling. He needs our support.

He does not need additional pressure from us as the viewers. He needs the ability to enjoy skating without having to fear that his own country will hate him if he loses. He needs to know that no matter what happens, we the American people will be happy for him.

We cannot hate him anymore, so stop bashing him for that one fault. And if you need a reason to stop bashing him, this can change your mind.

1. A Medal During His First Olympic Game

The other day, Chen went into the skating rink with no pressure like he did the first time. He went in and told himself that he had nothing to lose. Using that thinking, Nathan Chen brought home a bronze medal during his first competition in the Olympics. To some, it might seem unfair at this point that he only won bronze while being such an amazing skater. But everyone has their ups and downs, and while some people give up after a down-point Nathan Chen does not. He tripped during one of the quads but got up as soon as he fell, taking home a medal.

2. Breaking Records Higher Than Gold

In that very same performance, he broke records by achieving a score of nine points higher than the gold medalist. In addition to that comeback, he was the first man in the Olympics to successfully land six quadruple jumps in a single free skating competition. After that performance, Nathan Chen came out being named the "comeback king" and the "quad king." View his amazing performance by clicking here !

In my opinion, those reasons are enough to stop scolding him and giving him hate for falling during his first performance. I believe that the fact he was able to get where he is today at such a young age defines him, not his fall. All of us have our own falls in life, but it is a matter of being able to get up after them that sets us apart. And I believe that Nathan Chen successfully did that after his groundbreaking performance during the figure skating competition.

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