If you've been anywhere on the internet in the past week, it's likely that you've seen Nasty Woman shirts, T-shirts, celebrity plugs, mugs, and more.
All of these merchandise items stemmed from a comment that candidate Donald Trump made stating that Hillary Clinton was a "nasty woman." Commented on by such celebrities as Lena Dunham, Elizabeth Banks, Chloe Mortez, Seth Meyers, and Chelsea Handler on the lovely institution of Twitter.
Items sporting this slogan have sprouted up everywhere on the internet. One can even get a throw pillow that looks hand-stitched if they so choose! Unfortunately, we have yet to see Beyonce sporting a nasty woman t-shirt or hat, but it's only a matter of time.
*I am not claiming support of Clinton or Trump, simply stating a trend that has been expressed on the internet over the past week.