As I get older, I start to question certain things more and more. Like why did I listen to that music or why did I dress like that when I was younger. The biggest thing is why I hated to take naps. Like seriously, I hated them.
I remember one time specifically when I was younger that I absolutely refused to take a nap. I had a total meltdown. (I'm not proud of it) I absolutely hated them. But each day, I am more and more thankful that sleeping through the day is acceptable.
Since getting to college, my naps per week have probably doubled from high school. Especially this year. Even my family knows if I do not respond for a longer period of time, there is an 85 percent chance that I am taking a nap. This year, I try and make time each day to take a nap and it helps me so much. Specifically, days that I have practice in the morning instead of the afternoon.
5:30 practice means getting up before 5 and going to bed, ideally, by 9 the night before. This idea however, is not always possible. Some nights I want to hang out with friends and then do homework. It's college. It's normal. So yeah, I do not get to bed some nights at a reasonable hour. But that's okay. That's why we have naps.
Naps make me less cranky. They make me feel more energized and they help me to have a positive outlook on life. I feel refreshed after waking up from a nap and I tend to be more productive as a result.
Naps certainly are not for everybody. Not everybody likes sleeping during the day. But naps are so beneficial to my well being and I do not know what I would do without them.