I’ll be the first person to admit it, I take a nap (or two) every single day. My friends know that if I’m not answering my phone, it’s because I’m treating myself to a 20 minute snooze. I used to think naps were only for lazy people or they were a waste of time, but I feel GREAT! Here are 7 reasons why taking a 20 minute nap everyday will change your life and make you feel great too.
1. Clearer Skin
There’s actually an impressive amount of science behind this one. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more stress hormones, which inflames the skin, which breaks down collagen and hyaluronic acid, which is what causes you to breakout with acne and lose your natural glow! Naps help combat this and allow your skin to relax and reduce stress hormones which make your skin feel clean and clear.
2. Helps with Weight Management
So this is pretty straight forward; when you’re sleeping, you’re not eating. So all the extra snacking that may have been happening, doesn’t happen. But there’s more to it; people who take naps have been linked to healthier eating, feeling in control of their weight and health, and it increases your metabolism which makes it easier to lose weight when you work out.
3. Better Memory![]()
A study from Saarland University in Germany showed that people who took a 60 minute nap were able to answer questions about topics they had been asked to memorize up to five times better than their counterparts who didn’t take a nap. So if you’re looking to cram some studying in, what better way to finish than with a nap! Your good grades will thank you J
4. Better Athletic Performance
NBA, NHL, and NFL players are all known to be frequent nappers before practices and games. Since naps help improve alertness, reaction time, stamina, and motor performance, it just makes sense that it would be used by some of the greatest athletes in the world as a way to improve their game.
5. Reduces Stress ![]()
It has been shown that naps of any length reduce stress hormones and stress neurochemicals that are produced throughout the day and when you’re tired. Taking a quick nap to get rid of these allows you to wake up feeling relaxed and stress free!
6. Improved Alertness![]()
Studies show that people who take naps during the day have improved alertness for up to 10 hours. A power nap of 20 minutes can improve your alertness by 11% and help you stay better focused on tasks throughout the day.
7. You’ll live Longer 
Although they certainly don’t hurt, naps alone will not help you live longer. Perpetually getting enough sleep at night and during the day will reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, viral infections, and will prevent mental decline later in life.