1. The Types of Naps
A Nano Nap is 10-20 seconds and scientists haven't yet concluded if these brief moments of nodding off are effective.
The Micro Nap ranges from 2-5 minutes and is shown to be surprisingly effective at shedding sleepiness.
The Mini Nap can be anywhere from 5-20 minutes long and it increases alertness, motor learning, stamina and performance.
A Power Nap is generally at least 20 minutes long. It includes the benefits of Micro & Mini naps, but also improves muscle memory & cleans the brain of useless info, which helps with long-term memory.
The Lazy Nap can be 50 to 90 minutes long. This type of nap includes slow-wave plus REM sleep, good for improving perceptual processing; when the system is flooded with human growth hormone, it’s great for repairing bones & muscles.
2. Napping Locations
ZSR (The Library): The Ziesta Room is great for Mini, Power and Lazy Naps.
Outside: Using an Eno Hammock is perfect for a Power or Lazy Nap.
Hall Lounges: Either on a couch or in an armed chair is perfect for a Micro, Mini, and/or Power Nap.
Dorm Room: Your own bed is a prime napping location for a Micro, Mini, Power, and/or Lazy Nap.
3. Health Benefits of Napping
Improves cognitive function.
May be beneficial for heart health.
Helps reduce stress & anxiety.
Fights food cravings.
Helps to “heal” the brain.
Can improve physical performance.
Improves memory.
Decreases daytime sleepiness.
Improves mood & quality of interaction with other people.
4. Keys To Successful Napping
Drink a cup of coffee/caffeine prior to nap.
It takes about 20mins for caffeine to kick-in, therefore by drinking a cup of coffee before napping, when you wake you will be refreshed and ready to go.
Plan a head.
Set (multiple) alarms.
Try to nap with dim lights &/or no lights.
Ideal nap time...Between 1-4pm.
Get as comfortable as possible, but not too comfortable.
Tell your friends you are napping.
5. Napping Packing List
Cell Phone
Happy napping :)