If you find yourself craving a nap whenever you see a bed or a comfy chair, or even when you close your eyes for too long, you may be a nap-a-holic. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, you're always down for a nap or two, even if you had a good night's sleep. When you're a hardcore nap-a-holic, you have a daily nap scheduled everyday, and you can't function properly unless you've had it. A tough battle between consciousness and unconsciousness, the nap is typically the victor. Here's how to tell if you are a true nap-a-holic:
1. Have you ever thought you should cut down on the time you spend napping?
2. Have you ever felt annoyed when someone has commented on your napping?
3. Have you ever felt guilty about your napping?
4. Is your napping negatively affecting your school work?
a. Your job?
b. Your relationships?
6. Do you find yourself not being able to get through a day without at least one nap?
7. Do you often fall asleep instead of completing tasks?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be a nap-a-holic. If you or a loved one is a nap-a-holic, it isn't too late for treatment. While research is still being done on proper treatments for this, doctors recommend drinking coffee or other caffeinated beverages, exercising regularly, and keeping a normal sleep schedule.