As I wrote a few weeks ago, I have decided (for the second year in a row) to attempt to write a novel in a month. NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month is an organization that provides crazy writers like me with a space to talk to others, and find resources in order to complete a novel in 30 days.
You probably can imagine that I can hardly think about anything that isn't my novel nowadays, which has lead me to decide that during the month of November I will be writing a series of articles related to novel-writing. And I will keep you updated on my progress, because that is fun too.
So, here is my progress for NaNoWriMo 2016 –– Week 1:
Writing is hard.
Of course, I am not the only one that thinks that. My friend William Shakespeare, from Something Rotten, agrees with me: It's Hard To Be The Bard. Finding the right word is hard, and sometimes we writers simply feel like we might lose our minds.
Even though I made sure to have a plot outline before this week started, I might have underestimated how hard writing really is. The goal for this Sunday is 10K words, and I am still 4K behind. It has been a while since I've had time to do some creative writing, and it is a little bit difficult to jump back in the saddle.
I am currently stuck on the fifth type of writer's block.
Luckily, I managed to join a group of writers and we created a small Skype conversation to cheer on each other. We often challenge ourselves to writing sprints, which is the literary equivalent of a horse race, I guess.
Anyway, I am hoping that on my free day tomorrow I will be able to get the creative juices flowing and I will meet the 10K goal. Wish me luck, folks!