Having the name Sarina is an interesting experience.
1. You have to deal with people thinking your name is spelled "Serena."
For the record, it's not.
2. Or thinking it's "Sabrina."
No, I am not Sabrina the Teenage Witch. It's Sarina.
3. You have given up trying to find anything with your name on it.
*Looks at key chains with (common) names on them*
"So we have Sally, Samantha, Susan, Susie...wait why does Susan/Susie need two variations of her name?! And as always, no Sarina."
4. You are slightly jealous of your friends who have more common names.
No one gets confused pronouncing Emily, Taylor, etc.
"Is your name Sabrina?" "Do you see a b in my name?"
5. I guess you can be thankful that you've never had to be Sarina G. (or whatever the initial of your last name was).
Since there were never other Sarina's in your classes growing up, you were truly one of a kind.
6. So, it does throw you off when you occasionally meet another Sarina whose name is spelled the same way.
This has only happened a couple times for me. Typically, when I've met other Sarinas, their names are spelled "wrong."
7. Forget about the spelling being correct if someone needs your name for your order.
I've seen my name spelled in more ways than I can count.
8. No, Gossip Girl was not your favorite show growing up.
People have asked if I loved watching Gossip Girl because of the main character "Serena."
Technically, it's not even the same name...spelling difference anyone?
9. But it does make you feel pretty cool when people say, "Sarina? Like Serena Williams?"
I can't play tennis to save my life, and the spelling's different. But thanks for the cool comparison!
10. You wouldn't change your name for anything.
Provided by Sarina Gersten
As you see in the picture above, I figured out a way to get my name on something (by spray painting it on). No matter the struggles, its pretty cool to be named Sarina.