Society has a strange knack for providing certain words with multiple definitions.
Several hip and modern homonyms include, but are not limited to: "tight," "dumpster," "basic," and even "word."
But what about nude? Could this word have a new definition as well?
When you hear the word nude, you probably think of naked people or a certain color of lipstick. Any thoughts of new definitions may be limited to very few ideas or concepts. According to Merriam Webster, nudity is defined as lacking something essential especially to legal validity, and devoid of natural or conventional covering.
Plain and simply, nudity=naked.
Nudity is such a fun word. It deserves more than to be limited things like colors, naked bodies, and legal validity. I want to introduce to you a concept of nudity that may not be widely talked about: Nudity of the soul.
Now now I know exactly what you're thinking. So before you laugh and tell me to turn off my silly hippie ideals, just hear me out: Nudity is a beautiful thing. There is nothing more raw and rare than being bare and exposed; every curve and definition revealed for everyone to digest. But how can that be applied to living a life of nudity?
Living nude is simple. A life of nudity is one of organic happiness; dropping walls and fronts that guard us against becoming the best of ourselves; giving up the layers of unnecessary mindsets and opening our hearts to a lifestyle of simplicity.
Don't get me wrong: I think it's very important to have certain moral boundaries to protect ourselves from harm. To be completely nude would be dangerous, but to bare just enough to be real - now that is a form of spiritual nudity worthy of admiration. Our society has trained us to alter ourselves into a person completely different than who we are; but what for? When we wander through life with false personas, we cannot create and build relationships with true meaning. Every friendship and bond is built from crooked foundation due to nature in which we have been raised to adopt.
When the chains of this plastic society are broken and nude characteristics are achieved, one will radiate with originality; attracting only the best souls with similar characteristics which will naturally provide a better basis for a relationship consisting of depth.
As a believer and follower of Christ, living nude means that all the empty and meaningless desires of life are cast away before the cross; my soul is bare and my heart is willing to take on any and every challenge that He may place in front of me. Living nude gives me hope when life seems hopeless; it gives me strength when I am weak; it allows me to have an open heart and mind when no one else will.
Nudity does not have to be limited to the sexualized idea of naked and exposed bodies. It can be so much more than that; it can be a spiritual concept of openness abandonment of the material.
Nudity can be the gateway to a life of complete freedom.