Myths And Facts About What Guys Are Bad At | The Odyssey Online
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Myths And Facts About What Guys Are Bad At

Not all the stereotypes are true.

Myths And Facts About What Guys Are Bad At

In a world that needs guys to live there is a lot that we are able to do to help make the world go 'round.... But I'm not going to get into the birds and the bees. We help contribute and help make the world a better place. There are lot of things we do to influence the world, we just don't always do all of them right. Due to that unfortunate circumstance, there are myths and facts about what guys are bad at. Below are eight myths and facts about what guys are bad at.

Cleaning - Fact

This is not our thing. Guys definition of cleaning is throwing things into our closet when mom walks in. Or pushing our laundry to the other side of the bed so we can sleep.

Listening - Myth

We can listen, it's just selective listening.

Every girl thinks their boyfriend or their guy friends or really any guy, has horrible listening skills. It's not that we have horrible listening skills, we just choose when to listen. Now that's not saying that we choose to not listen to girls, we also don't listen when guys talk's just not as often. If you (guy or girl) think the male you're talking too is not listening chances are he isn't. There comes a point when we zone out, or focusing is just too tiring.

Guys have this uncanny ability to obtain selective listening. It's as if we have a switch and we just shut it off. We can zone out for minutes at a time! It's wild. We will literally think about nothing! It's not as if we don't want to listen. There are times when we want to, but focusing can be as difficult as a fruit fly trying to get out of a window and repeatedly slamming into the window hoping the result will be different. Just don't take it personally.

Buying Presents - Fact

This is mostly true for guys who haven't been in a long term relationship.

Buying presents is one of the hardest tasks in the entire world! Buying the right present for a girl is like trying to hit a home run using a tooth pick, it's just not going to happen. When it's a girls birthday or another anniversary we forgot, guys want to go to great lengths to impress. But that's one of the dumbest thing we could do. Males get it in their heads that they know what women want and try to buy it anyway only for it to turn into a disaster.

The three things you should never buy a girl: jewelry, clothes or makeup. You know nothing about jewelry or makeup, and if you think you remember her saying something about liking necklaces, remember you are bad at listening. Clothes... Jesus man. No. Too small it makes her believe you think she's fat, and too big results in the same thought and is probably even worse. Either way you're an ass. Guys. Do not buy your girl anything unless they have personally hand pick it out for you or she blatantly tells you. You might as well just hand them money as gift.

Sometimes Hygiene (compared to girls) - Myth

There is definitely stereotype that guys have horrible hygiene. But that makes us sound like we roll in dirt. Guys like to smell nice too, believe it or not. No guy wants to smell bad because then no girl will want to be around him. However, compared to girls, guys' hygiene is at the level of wet dog taking a nap with a homeless guy, next to a dumpster. Every now and then our rooms can stink and smell like food was left to rot, but that happens to everyone. Guys just don't care as much.

Grocery Shopping - Fact

Yeah this is pretty true. I honestly don't know what it is. Maybe guys are scared of the grocery store if it's not the meat section but we are just bad at grocery shopping. I think, for me anyway, it's just impulse. I'll see something that looks like salsa and when I get home it ends up being milk. I think we just pick things up and get out of there as fast as possible.

Arts and crafts - Fact

One of the truest statements on the list. Guys are awful at arts and crafts. We are incapable of doing the simplest drawings. The moment our pencil or paint brush touches paper it's all down hill from there. All of our drawings look like a kindergartner taught us how to craft. We just don't have the natural artistic ability that women do. Their fun crafts they do on the weekends look like the Sistine Chapel compared to a guys artwork. On a side note, it seems like every sorority girl is good at crafting.

Not being competitive - Fact

Guys are competitive by nature. Ever since cavemen roamed the earth we have been trying to see how can get the biggest mammoth or lift the most weight. Asking guys to not be competitive is like asking water to not be wet. Why do you think football and boxing were invented. It's a sport where it is 100 percent legal to hit the crap out of guys and get paid too. That's perfect for almost any guy.

Sharing feelings - Myth

So many girls will say guys are bad at sharing their feelings. Usually when this is mentioned it's in the context of, "do you like me?". Guys do share their feelings, but it's with other guys at first. Guys, at a younger age, get nervous about letting out their feelings because it's difficult. When a guy talks to a girl, who he thinks is interested, he will be cautious of sharing feelings because he is fearful of scaring her away, ruining the friendship or getting hurt in the end. In today's dating age it's hard to tell if someone you're talking to wants to sleep around or is into you too. It's scary sharing feelings, especially if a guy likes a girl, because if the feeling is not mutual that rejection hurts. To say a guy doesn't share his feelings is not true. It's just hard when we don't know what the outcome will be. Guys will communicate, but it will take time for them to express all their feelings.

Additionally, guys have always been told to "man up" and since the dawn of time, men have to be the strong ones, at this point that is seared into our brains. So forgive us if we don't want to express every emotion we have because sometimes that is just unnecessary to relay every feeling we have; not everything needs to be told. Lastly, feelings can create drama and become messy. Guys spend years making sure they avoid drama. What is the point of opening our mouths and creating that if we can avoid it?

Not all guys are bad at these things and not all these apply to every guy. But in general, my gender has given the stereotype that all these are true. As a boy develops to a man, some of these will change and others will not. I can almost guarantee guys will always be bad at grocery shopping, that's just the way it is. Guys, take these into consideration next time you want to try arts and crafts, and girls remember guys are not going to be great at communicating at first, so don't expect it.

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