It's crazy to think people believe these are real.
Periods sync up
Actually, they don't. Why? All women are on a different cycle, which means one woman's cycle can be 24 days while another's can be 29 days. Eventually, the two women will have a period at the same time, but only for that month.
The toilet is the dirtiest part of your home
Ehhhhh, it's actually the cleanest because you think it's the dirtiest. Try cleaning the door handles, though.
Oil prevents pasta from sticking
Incorrect. It actually just prevents the water from foaming or boiling over.
Bats are blind
Not so much. They can see perfectly fine, but at night, they use echolocation instead.
We have 5 senses
Actually, we have 20. Balance, pain, smell, taste, thirst, hunger... The list goes on and on.
Lightning never strikes the same place twice
It most certainly does and thinking this could get you killed.
Bananas grow on trees
FALSE. The banana "tree" is actually the world's largest perennial herb and can grow up to 25 feet tall.
A bird will reject its baby if touched by a human
Birds actually have a really poor sense of smell and can't even tell.
Dog mouths are cleaner than human mouths
Considering dogs eat their own poop, I'm not quite sure why anyone would believe this...
Sugar makes you hyper
Actually, no scientist has ever been able to prove this. While sugar isn't the greatest thing to eat, it doesn't make you hyper.