This past spring break, I went home to Miami. Since Miami is a very common Spring Break destination, a few of my college friends from cold climates decided to come down for the legendary Miami experience. Ever since I came back to campus after break, I haven't stopped hearing all about the 305 magic, the already filled transfer applications to the University of Miami, and how sick it would be to live where people vacation. Well, I hate to burst your bubbles, but here's a list of reasons why living in a vacation destination, specifically Miami, really isn't a never-ending vacation:
1. Responsibilities still exist.
Although anyone would prefer to be tanning on the beach a couple minutes away, people still have to be somewhat responsible. You are not always going to be blackout drunk on South Beach. You'll actually be at your incredibly normal day job or studying for your Orgo exam, just like you would anywhere else. Moving to a vacation destination does not imply forever being free of responsibilities, unfortunately.
2. It is always warm. What's a white Christmas?
80 degree weather is almost year round, except those two or three days where it drops under 60 and everyone brings out their Uggs and that one sweater they own. So forget sipping warm hot chocolate on Christmas Eve, unless you want a heat stroke.
3. Your bank account isn't bottomless.
When you're on vacation it's okay to splurge, but not when it becomes an everyday thing. Drinks ar $12, $20 parking and $50 Uber drivers drain your bank account. Also, chances are you're not going to be able to afford an apartment on the beach, so you'll end up 30 minutes away in a neighborhood that doesn't exactly scream spring break craziness.
4. Maintaining a certain image is a must.
Your summer body has to now be your year round body. Unless you want your self-esteem to be killed every time you go out and are surrounded by skinny-minnies with teeny bikinis.
5. The traffic is atrocious!
Even if you're one of those people who claims to love driving, I promise at one point or another you'll get incredibly frustrated when stuck in rush hour traffic for what feels like an eternity.