Society, since the beginning of the beginning, has thrived and survived on instiling masculinity in every culture, every family, every person, everything. Now, in the age of the social media, the Internet, and the era of persistent and constant advertisement, masculinity continues to shine through and influence men and women alike. It may sound absurd to most that could care less about feminism and the “evils” of masculinity, but even though feminism has come a long way to disassemble and destroy the patriarchy, masculinity continues to consume and destroy the people it touches.
It’s like a mystical being, that masculinity. A mystical being that everyone knows exists, but is unsure of how to pinpoint and capture it. Its mysticality comforts those that feel the being’s presence, but it also frightens those outside the bubble of those who feel connected to it. Then there are those who understand it, see it, and are no longer comforted, but are determined to capture and send it off somewhere else. Those people are feminists, gender studies experts, people that understand and study this mystical being and all its might. The key though, is to get everyone who feels comforted by this beast to understand that it does more harm than good.
Masculinity- possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men. synonyms: virility, manliness, maleness, machismo, vigor, strength, muscularity, ruggedness,robustness; informal testosterone
“Qualities traditionally associated with men.” Sounds a little vague if you ask me. But okay, let’s try to name some of these qualities. Can you? Uh.. muscles? strength? Likes tools?
Now, you see why I’m stumped and the point I’m trying to get at. It doesn’t make any sense. Femininity doesn’t make much sense either. It’s just an idea, a comfort we’ve created so we can all fit into these boxes. But does anyone actually completely fill one box? And if so, what are the requirements to fit into this box? Do you know anyone who fits into this box?
It's easier to consider masculinity an idiotic idea that men feel the need to identify with from the perspective of women people will say. Women do face social suicide if they are "too masculine," but not to the extent men will if they appear "too feminine."
The point of it all is to understand that as long as we let society define who we are, we are trapped in this box. Whichever qualities you chose to include in that box of masculinity depends on you. And whether you allow that box to define you and limit you from experiencing your life without restrictions is up to you.
Masculinity (and basically any gender norm/gender expectation) only serves to make uncomfortable people comfortable. Make them uncomfortable.