Recently, my brother Braeden sat down and had a conversation with me about something he had accidentally stumbled upon while searching the web. He read an article, what seems to be one of the only articles, about a possible conspiracy theory about the newly discovered Planet X; also known as The Planet of Nibiru.
Apparently, this newly found planet is a much bigger deal than scientists originally let on the first time they announced this amazing and mysterious discovery. Planet X will make it's "extremely close" fly by right beside Earth in September of 2017. Although, this isn't the only time Planet X has made an incredibly close appearance next to Earth. 15,000 years ago, it made it's orbit next to Earth and had possible extreme effects on our planet. Some scientists believe that it caused large changes in weather patterns(for example the Ice Age 2.5 million years ago), slightly shifted the axis of the Earth, magnified the size and danger of solar flares on the sun, and in recent years it's nearing towards the Earth once again is believed to be the cause of sink holes and another reason for global warming.
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In ancient legends and myths that go back to the very beginning of humankind, before Christianity and the belief in gods, Planet X which was then known as Planet Nibiru was said to possess life. The crazy thing is, the people of Planet Nibiru are even mentioned in the bible in codes in Ezekial and Isaiah being labeled as "The People Of Satan".
Okay wait....what? That sounds really stupid, made up, and insane..right?
Is this something we should believe? Could any of this actually be factual information? Is the end of humanity nearing?
That's up to you to decide.