The first day of college, I was feeling excitement and nervous. There was so much going on, so many students moving in, so many people moving furniture, and lots of chatter. As my parents pulled up to my dorm to unload my stuff, it began to set in, that I will be here for the next 4 years, and 3 months before I would go home. As any normal student, I was excited, but I was scared at the thought of not seeing my friends, family, or pets for a long time.
As we unloaded my stuff, I was excited to set up my dorm. I had arrived before my roommate, excited to pick which side of the room I wanted. After organizing everything, I looked around and realized that I would be living here for a long time. I had a very quick goodbye with my parents, just a quick hug before I ran off to hangout with some friends I had made. Although I regret how fast it had been, it might have been for the best since it made it a bit easier on all of us, so we weren’t crying in front of each other.
After a few days, I had a set group of friends who I would go out to dinner with every night, meet for breakfast, and we even had a group chat. I never really had a day where I felt leftout or that I did not belong here, and that has made this first week a lot easier for me. So far I have enjoyed all my classes, but not so much the homework.
I’ve already gotten used to sharing the bathroom and showers, and it is not as bad as I thought it would be. I’ve been lucky to have no issues with my roommate and we get along very well. I’m still not quite used to the eating schedule, since dinner is a lot earlier than I’m used to eating, but after a few weeks it will all be normal.
College so far has been pretty easy. I have had a couple hurdles thrown at me, just being away from my family, and going through a breakup, but my group of friends has really helped by keeping me out of my dorm. Keeping yourself busy is definitely helpful in trying to keep yourself comfortable. To avoid stressing myself out, I try to get my homework done the night it is assigned, or get as most of it done as I can in one sitting. I have an awesome schedule, I am done at 1pm everyday so I have plenty of time to get homework done and relax, including my daily nap, before I hangout with friends at night.
It is a big adjustment, and the first night is probably the worst because you feel uncomfortable and awkward, but it does not take long to adjust. You just have to be open to opportunities and people, because that is the best way to make friends and to get used to college.