Dear my older and hopefully still good-looking future self,
I am writing this letter in the hopes that everything is going well and you have accomplished everything you have wanted too and worked towards. If not I am here to remind you to keep trying and working hard towards your goals like I know you can. Or if you are feeling lost I hope this letter helps you find your way.
I hope you have traveled the globe just like you wanted. I hope you have seen and experienced new and different people and cultures because it serves as a reminder that everyone in the world is not exactly like you. You better have traveled to Asia and visited China, Japan, Indonesia and everywhere new and different and if not your younger self is going to strangle you.
I hope you have opened up to the world. By this I mean, allowing yourself to experience everything the world has to offer. Try foods you normally would not, things you normally would not do. You better have gone skydiving by now. I hope you overcame came everything you were afraid of. Don't worry the dark is not so scary as an adult.
I honest to god hope you finally learned that boys are not worth your tears. Too much of your time has been spent being sad over guys who are not even worth the time of day. Please older-self if you are not absolutely happy with a guy, or the relationship is not healthy, dump and change. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.
Future self, I hope you are making a difference in the world just like you always wanted to. Whether that be as a senator or a lawyer, do not lose that need to help others who are not being helped. You always dreamed of going down in history so start making it happen if you have not already. You are on this earth for a reason.
I hope you keep in mind the phrase "Work Hard, Play Hard." Make sure to live life to the fullest. Do not stress all the time and work too hard. Make memories with the people you care about most before they are taken away from you. Don't get me wrong making money is fun but make sure you make some time for yourself as well. Life's short, make yours worth living.
Future me, this probably the most important point in my letter. Please never ever forget how amazing and beautiful you are. I know the younger you tends to forget sometimes. Do not ever think any less of yourself for any reason at all. I know you tend to be very self-conscious, but you have no reason to be. Eat whatever you want, dress however you want, and act however you want. Life is too short to worry about what others think. Just be happy and live your life.
Future me I hope this letter helped you in whatever way you needed. Don't stress over the little things just live life to the fullest. To quote Ferris Bueller "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Your Younger Self