6 Ways My Fitbit Holds Me Accountable | The Odyssey Online
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6 Ways My Fitbit Holds Me Accountable

The perks of a Fitbit Charge 2

6 Ways My Fitbit Holds Me Accountable

Staying healthy in college can be challenging with late nights, Insomnia Cookies, cold weather and a gym that’s too far away. When I realized how quickly the freshman 15 could become the freshman 115, I decided to buy a Fitbit to help me keep things on track. I ordered a Charge 2 with a blue band off of Amazon and it came in the mail a few days later. Obviously I was really excited about this new gadget. I spent about an hour just playing with settings and exploring all the features. I plugged it in the charger before I went to class so I could start wearing it as soon as I get back. I'll share some of my favorite features of the Fitbit Charge 2.

1. Steps

Fitbit keeps me me accountable for my steps. I set my goal, with a suggested daily goal of 10,000. It's really satisfying when I see the fireworks animation celebrating hitting my goal. Fitbit tracks the stairs I climb and miles I walk, and it allows me to compete with friends to stay motivated. The Fitbit also has reminders to get up and move if the hour's requirements haven't been met.

2. Clock

I've been meaning to buy a watch for a while but just never got around to it. Like any watch, Fitbit can give me the time, even when my phone is dead or there's no clock in a lecture hall. It also has the date on it, and to turn on the display, you just have to angle your wrist towards your body.

3. Text/Call Notifications

A great way to read texts in your large lecture class where the TA's actually take away phones...in a 300 person lecture hall... in college. In general I’d advise you to pay attention to your classes, but this is a handy feature when you can't have your phone on you because you’re in a meeting or going for a run. Though, if you are in a class or meeting, just know you’re probably not as sneaky as you think you are when you’re reading your friends daily fail texts. Also, be aware that it still looks weird if you’re checking the time constantly and laughing.

4. App

The app captures all of the data that the Fitbit collects. When the day finally disappears at midnight, it's still there on the app, which enables me to look at my entire week of activity. The app also lets me track my food and water intake, but I tend to be less conscious of those features and just do the best I can with consuming the right things during the day.

5. Sleep

Sleep is a really big thing for me. It’s too easy to get shorted on sleep hours in the 24x7 college environment.The Fitbit is a great way to stay accountable for making sure to get enough sleep hours. Besides having a reminder for when I can get some well-deserved rest, there are options to set sleep goals. It tracks how long I've slept and the quality (how many times I woke up or was restless) of my sleep. Also, there's a silent alarm function which is perfect for not waking up sleepy roommates.

6. Relax

You know those weekends when you went out to two brunches, two dinners, and had five club meetings? Then you find yourself swamped and scrambling all week. As important as it is to work hard, it's also important to relax. Relaxing helps you clear your head, allowing you in your best work. Fitbit has guided breathing sessions that can last 2 or 5 minutes. I also enjoy this feature along with the heart rate feature because it's satisfying to watch my heart rate go down as I relax.

Overall, I've really liked having a Fitbit as a way to keep track of all these parts of my life. The Fitbit is like a silent parent; it tracks every detail of my life so that I don’t have to. Though it is important to refrain from getting obsessive about any particular aspect of your health because at the end of the day it's about lifestyle and not numbers. So get enough sleep, eat well, but don’t skip out on the Insomnia Cookies cookie cake if you need a reward for a job well done. I use my Fitbit for gentle reminders and to aid in making sure I'm living a balanced and healthy lifestyle, which, in turn, helps me stay focused on my college goals.

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