1. Read more books
2. Get rid of negative people in my life
3. Continue good skin care
4. Drink lots of water
5. Go on a road trip
6. Go hiking in the U.P
7. Use less data
8. Finish a half marathon
9. Get more sleep
10. Study more
11. Get a promotion in the Army
12. Go to the beach more
13. Skydiving
14. Volunteer more
15. Practice more yoga
16. Cook more
17. Buy my first vegan cook book
18. Love myself more
19. Don't let boys be mean
20. Buy a polaroid camera
21. Live and let live
22. Be more positive
23. Write in a journal more
24. Go to at least 2 states that I've never been to before
25. Pracice compassion
26. Continue growth as a person
27. Fall in love & be in a healthy relationship
28. Enjoy the small things in life
29. Spend more time with my grandparents
30. Go to a playoff game at the Joe
31. Resist the urge to check my phone every 5 minutes
32. Pay it forward
33. Let go of hate & anger
34. Go on more adventures
35. Develop a stronger relationship with God
36. Be happy
37. Worry less