So as I mentioned in my previous article, I started a diet last Monday. As I write, I am a week #strong with my protein shake right in front of me! Just a little background information about me so you can understand how hard this is for me: I eat like a 600-pound man. My whole life I’ve ordered pizza one too many times a week for dinner, gone on one too many late night Wendy’s runs, and snacked on Oreo’s instead of apples. My world has been rocked from this diet.
My weight was never an issue. I mean, maybe when I was like 9 but that clearly was just baby fat. Luckily, my family does not have any obese genes so I’ve been pretty lucky until now. Until… COLLEGE. I was warned by the people who have visited my high school after going to college, by my grandma, and by my new friends here at school. “Maybe you should try to change your eating habits so you’re not prone to gain weight,” “maybe we should go to the gym to avoid gaining weight”... I didn’t listen. For a while, I was even in denial that I gained any weight at all. OK - disclaimer - I’m being dramatic. I didn’t come to college and become unrecognizable. But my boobs grew to be bigger than my head and my jeans started getting a little tight. Big for me may not be big to you, but big for me is #unnacceptable.
My mom lost 10 pounds when I left for school. I think I took the fat from her body and somehow transported it onto mine. So when my mom and I went shopping for the first time in a while together over Thanksgiving break, we were trying on almost the same sizes of clothes. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but this has never happened before. I bought the materials my mom used to lose weight and brought them back to school with me.
My diet consists of 2 protein shakes a day, 8 diet pills throughout the day, one “cleanse” day a week, and a dinner of solely greens and grilled chicken. I can’t even eat the grilled chicken with ketchup. And I could DRINK a bottle of ketchup. I have to use sriracha instead because apparently it's a "healthier alternative" ... bullshiiiiit! The only green food I’ve ever put into my mouth before this was a Shamrock Shake from McDonald’s. It’s not that I just prefer junk food, I’m a picky eater. It’s kinda embarrassing and I guess I’m growing up from this. Now next time I have a boyfriend, his mom doesn’t have to make me microwavable chicken nuggets when I’m over for dinner (like my last one did, lol).
When I crave, I stalk food Instagram pages and even reached out to my insta followers to text me pictures of their food. I haven’t cheated once because once a cheater, always a cheater! This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Harder than the middle school timed mile, harder than the SAT’s, and probably harder than the finals I’m preparing for. But I’m determined.
FORTUNATELY, I’ve already lost a noticeable amount of weight and I have 3 more weeks to go. Wish me #LUCK!!!!