"Don't sign up for The World Race if you like being clean and smelling nice.
Don't sign up for The World race if you like drinking clean water.
Don't sign up for The World Race if you depend on clean bathrooms.
Don't sign up for The World Race if you need a bed to sleep."
A past racer wrote an article called "Don't Sign up for the World Race". Read it here. It is raw, honest, and uncut.
As a realist and future racer, I really enjoyed her article. I love the transparency and honesty. It embodies Colossians 3:2. "Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth."
Her article inspired me to share my "WHY" with you. I do not want to sugarcoat the World Race experience as if I will never struggle or question my decision to go.
I will.
But knowing my "why" will help me continue and focus on what is important. So I figured I would share it with the world, and hold myself accountable. Because when that day comes when I am questioning everything and wanting to go home, I can read this and remember WHY....
I signed up for the World Race to serve the broken, hopeless, poor, and sick.
I signed up for the World Race to share the gospel, love others well, inspire them, give hope, and freely give what has freely been given.
I signed up for the World Race to learn what it means to live as an example of Christ's LOVE.
I signed up for the World Race to serve God in my Singleness
This is my Why, and I will happily sacrifice for it.
What is YOUR why? What are you willing to sacrifice?