October is here and, if you’re a college student, you know how difficult October can be. It’s almost as though all of our professors come together and decide to have their major assignments due all on the same day. Needless to say, I’ve been stressed out…a lot.
With this stress comes a block on my creativity. I’ll cut to the chase and stop talking out of my ass…I’m out of ideas for my articles.
I thought about what to do for this week after I submitted my last article.
And, while I was thinking about it, I looked around my room and focused on my vanity.
From the picture above you can see that I have a lot of makeup.
I love makeup.
Everything about it just makes me happy. I love making sure my eyebrows are on fleek, winging my eyeliner enough so I could take flight, and wearing the reddest lipstick I can find in order to intimidate everyone who comes my way.
Makeup is my art.
But writing an article about how much I love makeup is a little too basic for me.
What did I do for inspiration?
I went a whole week without wearing makeup.
And boy was that a struggle.
I went to class, work, Target, a bar and everywhere else all with a fresh face.
The experience I had going makeup-less was nothing like I expected. You’re probably thinking, “Big deal Vanessa, a lot of people don’t wear makeup, get over yourself.”
True as that may be, I wear makeup almost every day, no matter where I’m going or no matter what I’m doing. Yes, those awkward few times I went to the gym I was, in fact, wearing a full face of makeup.
“But you’re so much prettier without it, Vanessa!”
Bullshit…and even if that’s true…I don’t care.
Makeup is my confidence. I don’t use it to hide my face…I use it to highlight my face and all the wonderful features about it.
By not wearing makeup, I didn’t feel pretty and I felt as though everybody was looking at me and thinking…yikes.
Normally, when I walk, I keep my head held high and try to look as confident and put together as possible. But this week…my head was down everywhere I went.
On the regular, you can catch me looking at myself in every reflective surface I find but this week I didn’t bother looking in the mirror because well, what was the point?
I thought a lot of people would notice how much of a troll I looked like. When, in actuality…nobody really noticed at all.
What the hell?
I mean…maybe they did notice but they were nice enough not to say anything.
My roommates did think it was a bit odd I didn’t have eyebrows and my eyelashes are so blonde, but they’ve seen me at worse states, but I digress.
I got a lot of this response:
“Going for the au natural look today?”
“You look tired, are you okay?”
“Did you do the homework last night?”
I learned a lot from this experience. The biggest thing I learned is that people don’t notice when you’re a little off your game, and, if they do, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is how you feel.
Put on a lot of makeup,
Put on no makeup,
Wear a banana suit…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… rock what you got...but in the way that you want.