Okay, so many of you might find this detail about a “young millennial” to be shocking but I love the news... Alright, so that's a bit much I should say I love TV.
I go to Drexel University, you know the school that's on a quarter/term system, the school known for its co-op and engineering program, yeah that place in Philadelphia, Pa.
Well, school started September 25 for the 2017-2018 academic year.
So this is week three at my school (school has been in session for three weeks) and guess what, I just started to watch TV.
Now, I love TV and being a college student I get Xfinity live for free. This means I can finally watch all my favorite fall shows or rather I should say my normal favorite fall shows.
Truth is, I haven’t had the excitement in me to even care to see what I missed so far or what else is going to happen. I don’t know if it’s because Netflix has ruined my watching/suspensions skills with their bingeing methods or what.
I could give you a whole spiel on why I actually hate Netflix, but that's another article.
So what does this have to do with me loving the news? Well, I haven’t watched the news in three weeks!
The first time I got a glimpse of news is when the devastating Las Vegas shooting happened and I was on my way to a class.
Guess what, I didn’t even know Hugh Hefner died till the day the shooting broke the news. Now I know what you're thinking, how?
You see after finding out about the shooting, I decide to go onto Yahoo and look for news articles about well life news and that’s when I stumbled upon one about Hefner's death, even though he died before the shooting.
So why is this bothering me? Ever since I was eight years old I would use the news as my excuse for why I was staying up till 8 p.m. It’s something that I actually turned out to like.
Why don’t I just stay on twitter like normal people to keep up with the news? I just don’t care/like social media that much. Sadly, it’s a necessity for many things now, such as a career.
In my later teen years, I really took to the news and I noticed something about the visual news. Phillys local news is on from 4 p.m to 7 p.m, then 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. and morning news is on 4 a.m to 10 a.m.
In my house in between slots seven to nine, we have the world news on. So the news is part of my daily living.
When I came to school I purposely didn’t bring a T.V because I figured I wouldn’t have time for shows and let’s get real, would I really want to spend my spare time watching T.V anyway?
I also never plugged the TV in my room back up over the Summer for some reason. I feel like I can go on without television. I just learned my lesson, I have to check my online news at least 8 times a day until Christmas break.