The 2016 election has been a crazy one to say the least. Both Republican and Democratic candidates have said things that aren't exactly wise and not everyone can completely agree with them and still be thought of as sane. Yet the discussion always comes up amongst friends about who is voting for who. Why does it matter? If they say they are voting for someone different than you then it generally starts an argument because someone thinks the other candidate is a racist or a criminal. People are deleting other's social media simply because they are voting differently or their political views do not line up with someone else's.
When I was younger, I used to ask my grandfather who he was voting for and he would always respond by saying that it was his business and that was that. As a child, I didn't see what the big deal was in telling me. It wasn't as if I could vote; I was just curious about who he liked. Now that I am older, I agree with him. It really is no one's business who I vote for or why I am voting for them. A child might not care who is running, but adults do and will get angry if your opinion differs from their own. Why does someone else need to know, though? It is my business who I prefer and my reasons are my own. It isn't worth starting a fight over. I have my own ideals and someone else has theirs. Neither of us are wrong, just different.
You may be a very proud Hillary fan or a very proud Trump fan and that is great for you; but don't ask others what they are and who they are voting for. They will tell you if they want to. Until then, it isn't your business. There is a reason you are blocked from other people when you go to vote. It is to keep others from seeing who you are voting for. The same should be done in conversation. If you want to tell someone, then great, but don't expect others to do the same.
Come November, we will be voting and at the end of it all, someone will win and someone will lose. That is just how it always works. Just remember that your vote is your own and someone else has their vote as well. My vote is my business just as yours is your business. I won't ask you yours, so please do not ask me mine.