1. Chewing food and talking at the same time
2. Fidgeting
3. Certain chalk board erasers
4. People who walk slowly
5. Walking on the wrong side of the grocery store aisle
6. Line cutters
7. Slow drivers who stay in the left lane
8. Let a driver get in front of you and then slow down
9. Talking over me
10. Interrupting
11. When its a girls only or boys only day and they are texting or talking on their phone to the significant other the entire time
12. Opening doors and receiving no thank you
13. When all employees must attend a mandatory meeting and the entire meeting could have just been sent in an email
14. When people post on Facebook, that they are in a relationship than not than back together within the same week
15. Sending a text and receiving no answer until several hours later
16. Sending thoughtful long message and getting short response back
17. Leaving laundry in the washer or dryer for several hours
18. Leaving a restaurant table a huge mess
19. When people put on my glasses and exclaim wow you are very blind
20. People being late
21. Thermostat
22. Perfectionists
23. That one strand of hair that just won't go down
24. Christmas tree and lights that remain up all year
25. People who insist talking on the speaker phone
26. Can't find a pair of matching socks
27. Find the perfect shirt at the store and it's the wrong size or too much money
28. One uppers
29. Arrogant people who think the world owes them something
30. Ring tones that are turned all the way up in public
31. Group Messages
32. Know it alls
33. No shows or cancelers at the last moment
34. Though art holier than thee
35. Facebook or tweets that are thought to be written about them
36. When favorite shoes cause blisters or are unwearable