There are many different remedies for many different occasions. Whether it be painkillers for a headache when you are hungover, a late night run to blow off some steam, a stiff drink when you have had a long day at work, or a fast food binge when you are feeling rather cheap at 2 a.m. Regardless of the occasion, there is a solution out there somewhere.
For me, I tend to use coffee to solve almost all of my problems. Or at least I attempt to. If I have a headache, I shoot for a cup of coffee to help soothe it. If I am feeling stressed, then I make sure to get myself a cup of coffee because I love the taste and it makes me happy. If I had a long day at work or a late night, I make myself a cup of coffee so that I can continue to be as productive as possible. I have no shame in admitting that I love coffee.
This may seem like a rant about my obsession with coffee, and that is perfectly okay because that is exactly what this letter is intended to be. It will be short and sweet, just like espresso with some steamed milk. I am not ashamed to say that I have an espresso machine and that I sometimes sit and think of various concoctions I can make with it. I have never worked as a barista, but I feel as though I could be a damn good one. For those of you reading this, I am sure that you already know this about me. Let us face the facts though. Many of you share this obsession with me.
One of my favorite hobbies includes going to a coffee shop to work on homework or simply have an intellectual conversation about a completely random topic. I think that coffee makes me a better person, and for that I am grateful.
Thank you, coffee