My Top Ten National Parks To Visit | The Odyssey Online
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My Top Ten National Parks To Visit

A look into the beauty of America as I list the top ten National Parks I would like to go to, based on the America the Beautiful Quarter designs.

My Top Ten National Parks To Visit

As a coin collector, I am aware of the America the Beautiful Quarters that have been released since 2010 and will be designed until 2021. I have not been many places, and would definitely like to explore America. Therefore, in this list I will describe the top ten national parks I would like to visit based on the quarters that the United States mint has released so far.

10. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

As I'm sure everyone would agree, those who do not live in Hawaii or have not visited it yet would like to see the Hawaii volcanoes. This is by far one of the coolest coin designs I have come across with the volcano mid-eruption. I would love to vacation in the state that is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean to get an idea of what life is like outside the continental United States. Recognized as a National Park on August 1, 1916.

9. Gettysburg National Military Park

Being a history buff, I love learning about all aspects of American history through every way I can. Because of this, Gettysburg National Military Park gets the number nine spot on my list. Recognizing the biggest divide in American history, this park honors those lost in the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War, taking place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Recognized as a National Park on February 11, 1895.

8. Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

In my hometown, there is an area of giant sand dunes and no trees for dirt bike riders to go and ride undisturbed. When I visited that place, I felt like I was on another planet. Visiting a national park that is dedicated to this fantastic look would leave me awestruck. It would be incredible to see this place in Colorado that looks nothing like the usual forestry I see in Massachusetts. Recognized as a National Park on March 17, 1932.

7. Acadia National Park

Next on this list is a national park that is not too far away from where I live. Acadia National Park in Maine is a great place to see for anyone from what I hear. I have relatives that visited recently and WPI has a project site there for students to work on the preservation of the area. The design of the quarter is awesome, and really captures what I feel the experience would be like. Recognized as a National Park on July 8, 1916.

6. Great Smoky Mountains National Park

I am one who can really appreciate nature. The design on this coin shows a serene location in the mountains where one can take in the awesome views all around them. I have also never been to Tennessee, so that would definitely be a cool, new place to go outside of New England. It would be something to see the national park dedicated to this famous range of mountains. Recognized as a National Park on May 22, 1926.

5. Yosemite National Park

California is definitely one of the top places on my list for a vacation, but seeing a historic national park in this state would be even better. The nature, the lakes, and the cliffs would surely leave any tourist awestruck as it is sure to house a variety of wildlife and gorgeous views. After seeing the design for this coin I put visiting this national park high up on my bucket list. Recognized as a National Park on October 1, 1890.

4. Mount Rushmore

What National Park list would this be if it did not include the largest sculpture of our Founding Fathers? Obviously it is one of my goals to see Mount Rushmore if I ever go to South Dakota because I would love to see the detail of this monument first-hand. As a side note, I love the design for this coin because it does not simply capture the full view of the mountain that is commonly known by Americans, but it shows the construction of the sculpture before it was finalized. Recognized as a National Park on March 3, 1925.

3. Grand Canyon National Park

When people think of Arizona, typically the Grand Canyon will come to their mind. It is for this reason that I want to see this wonderful place for myself. From movies and pictures it seems incredible with the long Colorado River sunken into those massive cliffs. I am not a big fan of heights but I think I would happily look past my fear in order to see this marvel of American beauty. Recognized as a National Park on February 20, 1893.

2. Yellowstone National Park

After seeing the movie 2012 and learning that the entire site of Yellowstone may be a location of an active super-volcano, I have been fascinated with this national park. The geysers and the wildlife would surely be a sight to see, with a guaranteed visit to Old Faithful. This national park spans over the Northwestern tip of Wyoming and somewhat spills into Montana and Idaho. It is also one of America's oldest national parks, being only the second quarter released in the series. Recognized as a National Park on March 1, 1872.

1. Everglades National Park

For some reason, I have always wanted to go the swampy regions of the Everglades in Southern Florida. I can imagine how fascinating it would be to see the different wildlife that live in an area so largely different from the environment of Central Massachusetts. I have never seen an alligator in person, and this would be an optimal place to see one at a distance. Additionally, I have always wanted to go to Florida for all that it is known for, but going to the Everglades would certainly be the highlight of my trip! Recognized as a National Park on May 30, 1934.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully I can visit these places soon, and be sure to let me know of your favorite National Parks you have either been to or would like to go to. It will definitely be interesting to see the remainder of the designs for the quarters that will come out in the next 5 years!

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