7 Of My Favorite Dog Breeds | The Odyssey Online
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7 Of My Favorite Dog Breeds

How could I pick just a few?

7 Of My Favorite Dog Breeds
Pet Guide

I have loved all dog breeds my entire life and I have had a few of them over the years, but there are so many different dog breeds that it is hard to pick a favorite one. I have compiled a list of my favorite breeds because I could not deny one breed over another to be my favorite. Some on this list are because of personally owning that breed and others are on this list because they are dogs I desire to have in the future. No matter how this dog breeds ended up on the list, I will say that they have an equal part in my heart.

1. English Bulldogs

The English Bulldogs have to be one of my favorites for a couple of reasons. For one, I own two English Bulldogs right now and they are the joys of my life. But I also love their fat rolls and wrinkles. They are just like chubby babies that make you laugh. They are also a mild tempered dog, so they don't really need much to be happy with you.

2. St. Bernards

Ever since I saw the "Beethoven" movies, I have wanted a St. Bernard puppy. They seem like they are smart loyal dogs and that is what I love about dogs in general. I also like the fact that they are fluffy, so they would make great cuddle partners. They are just gentle giants and I would love to have one when I move out on my own.

3. Pomskies

From the moment I meet our Pomsky I fell in love, she is the perfect cross between a Pomeranian and a Husky. With the look of a Husky and the size of a Pomeranian, I could not have asked for a better dog. They are very loyal dogs and very good protectors. Another reason I like them is that they don't actually shed as much as you think they would, which is just another plus to have.

4. Weimaraners

Speaking of protective dogs, I have had experiences with Weimaraners that have made me feel very safe. I would definitely like to get one in the future because I wouldn't have to worry about anyone coming into my home with one around. They are also big cuddle bugs and would literally sleep anywhere, just as long as they are with you.

5. Pit Bulls

These dogs are on my list of favorite dogs because they don't get the chance that they deserve in society. They are a misunderstood breed and I am determined to help change the stigma they get from society. I think they are gentle giants when they are raised right and I think that they are great protectors. I have also seen many Pit Bulls interact with children and have seen nothing but gentleness between them.

6. German Shepherds

My cousin has a Shepherd and he is one of the sweetest dogs you will meet. Again, I think that they are great protectors for family and who needs a security system when you have one of these dogs living with you. They are also a fluffy dog, so they would also make great cuddlers and what more could you ask from a dog?

7. Corgis

Corgis have to be one of the funniest dogs I have seen. I love them. They have long bodies with short legs, it makes them look funny when they walk and it also makes them perfect entertainers for you. Also the Queen of England has Corgis, so what would be a better choice for yourself? I know that I can't have all of these dogs when I grow up but I can always dream and maybe one day it will happen. I would also like to say that Corgi are also fluffy, so if it is a pillow you need then you have it with a Corgi.

Of course there are many other breeds of dogs out there and I'm sure my list of favorite breeds will change as I encounter more dogs in my future but as of now, these are my favorite breeds. I love all dogs equally and want all dogs to have an equal chance at a loving home, so maybe this list can help you decide what kind of dog breeds you like best and help you decide you might want a dog for yourself.


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