We all have our top five favorite songs in our playlist. Whether it is on Spotify, iTunes, or Apple Music, your favorite music is where you need it. The following is my top five favorite songs on my playlist that I have on Spotify.
1. "One Love" by Marianas Trench.
Though many of my friends may know this band because of my excessive playing and talking about Marianas Trench, not many people may know this band. Well, at least not as many as the mainstream artists like Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift. The song "One Love" describes a relationship that is meant to be, but there are so many doubts in his mind that he had accidentally let the love of his life slip through his fingertips. He then describes how if they could just get together, maybe they could settle everything.
2. "Ain't My Fault" by Zara Larsson.
Now, I was not always a fan of Zara Larsson originally, but now after listening to her song, "Ain't My Fault," I have fallen in love with her music. This song is poppy and helps me get into the zone whenever I am at the gym or getting pumped. The upbeat sound keeps me in a great mood any time, any day.
3. "Death of a Bachelor" by Panic at the Disco!
If you are unfamiliar with PATD, then you must listen to this song! Brendon Urie does a fantastic job with the vocals and the instrumentals. His range astonishes me every single time I listen to PATD. From his Death of a Bachelor album, I would say that the song "Death of a Bachelor," is the best on the album overall.
4. "Body Say" by Demi Lovato.
Okay, yes I understand what this song's lyrics are saying and that it is probably something that you would not sing in front of parents. Oh well, it is catchy as hell. Whenever I am in the car and this song comes on, I blast it through my speakers and sing from the top of my lungs.
5. "While We're Young" by Marianas Trench.
Yes, I know that this is another Marianas Trench song on my playlist, but "While We're Young," was my anthem when Marianas Trench first released their most recent album. This song describes a relationship that seemed to have ended too soon and that they should have enjoyed the time that they had when they were together and put all their silly problems aside. Overall, even though it may seem cliche, the song's message is to live while you're young and take in every moment you can and enjoy it with someone you love. Do not let any conflicts ruin what a great thing one can have with another.
Whether your playlist includes all of the same artist or it is a variety of different bands and singers, blast that playlist through your speakers and be proud and own the music you love.