I love quotes — good quotes — ones that make you look at something in a new way or captures your feelings with a nice turn of a phrase. I love quotes so much I even have a quote wall in my room, where I paint, letter by letter, all my favorite ones. I decided to share my five favorite quotes of the moment, for these are the ones that I try to say to myself everyday. Someone's favorite quote gives you insight to who they are as a person and I find it interesting, what word's some find important as compared to others.
I love this quote so much because it lets me know that to a point, some people will never be on the same page as I am because they won't or can't get there. I realize from this quote that I can't expect someone to understand a complex part of me because they don't even understand the complex parts of themselves.
I love this quote from "Alice in Wonderland." It gives off a sense of childlike whimsical fun while being totally serious at the same time. It makes me feel like I fit in and that all the crazy people in the world are what make this world great.
Spoken like a true artist, Andy Warhol makes me feel a little more enthused about all the things I've written or created that I spend weeks, months, or even years contemplating. In the end, it is up to how you perceive your own work. Let "them" decide for years on end if they like it or don't, not you. You go ahead and make some more of what they will spend another decade gossiping about.
I love this quote, it kind of makes you feel stupid for a second and gives you a reality check. What is "too busy" anyway? Too busy doing things you don't have to do, but just want to? Like getting your nails done or watching T.V. It also lets us know the more hectic our schedules, the more time we need to meditate.
My favorite, Charles Bukowski. So many people let things they hate kill them or eat at them. An old enemy may stay with someone — let it go. You could easily be stuck going to a workplace you hate for years or a lifetime, why not let a job you love make you tired and sick instead? To add in another quote at the end here by Jim Carrey, "you can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love." What I'm saying and what Carrey is saying and what Bukowski is saying is that why not let the thing you love kill you? It's the best way to go in my opinion, if you were given the choice.