The Top 15 Pokémon
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The Top 15 Pokémon

For the seasoned and rookie Pokémon players alike.

The Top 15 Pokémon
Tales of Gaming

With the new “Pokémon Go” app being released recently, people of all ages are playing the game to experience it for the first time or to get the nostalgia of playing the old Pokémon games. I would be one of those people, or at least I was for the first couple of days. The app is pretty cool and probably the closest to real life Pokémon we are ever going to get. It also makes you get up and out of the house because you have to walk around to find your Pokémon. This game got me thinking about what my favorite Pokemon are from the original 150. So, here is a countdown of my top 15 Pokémon! Sorry if some of your favorites don't get mentioned, but be sure to name what your favorites are!

15. Pikachu

Pikcahu is a Pokémon that is well-loved by a lot of people, even if they aren't really Pokémon fans. He is also basically the mascot for the Pokémon franchise.

14. Jigglypuff

Jigglypuff is one of my favorites because it always made me laugh when watching the cartoon. Every time it sang to people, it would put them to sleep, but Jigglypuff didn't know this and it would get mad and draw all over their faces.

13. Aerodactyl

Aerodactyl is my favorite fossil Pokémon! Plus, he is a dinosaur which makes me a lot better, and he is just cool -ooking. Another reason I like him is because he was the fossil I picked because I was too lazy to evolve the other two.

12. Kangaskhan

I just think the Kangaskhan is awesome. It's a kangaroo and it looks like double the trouble with the baby in its pouch.

11. Starmie

Starmie is a pretty cool looking Pokémon. I worked so hard to get my Staryu to a Starmie. It also makes Power Ranger fight sounds when it battles. So, I guess you can say it is a literal ninja star.

10. Scyther

Basically, if you were to combine a praying mantis and the Grimm Reaper, you'd get Scyther. It is probably one of the coolest and most frightening bugs I've seen.

9. Ditto

Ditto is a pretty legit Pokémon and it is able to transform into any Pokémon it wants. The Pokémon tend to look a little different though, like the Pikachu above.

8. Arcanine

Arcanine is a dog that breathes fire. What else do you need?

7. Ninetales

Ninetales is just a majestic looking Pokémon and it's all together just a cool Pokémon. Also according to, if someone were to grab on of it's tails it would result in 1,000 years of bad luck. You can read more about ninetales here.

8. Nidoking

Nidoking is just an awesome Pokémon; he a a giant rat thing with a horn and he is awesome!

7. Gyarados

Gyarados looks like Magicarp had gone on Insanity and had an amazing effect. From going to being only able to splash around to breathing fire, Gyarados is a pretty cool Pokémon.

6. Dewgong

Dewgong was always my first choice when I played Pokemon Stadium on the Nintendo 64.

5. Articuno

Articuno is my favorite of Legendary Birds and is just so freaking cool.

4. Charizard

He is an awesome fire-breathing dragon! It kicks put in the hand held games and also on the fighting game Super Smash Bros.

3. Rapidash

It is a unicorn that is on fire! It is just so cool.

2. Lapras

Lapras is the same basics as Aerodactyl as that it was based off of a dinosaur, so thats awesome! Lapras is always the Pokemon that I was excited to get!

1. Squirtle plus evoltions

I kind of cheated and counted all three of them as one. But, Squirtle is my favorite Pokémon. He was my first trading card and the first Pokémon I ever picked in the first game I played, which was Pokémon Blue.

I hope you enjoyed my list of my favorite Pokémon and I hope that it makes you think what your favorites are!

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