Well, let me get this out of the way now: I am a huge gamer. I am a fan of different genres but the one I want to write today is about rhythm based video games. Whether you are using a controller or a peripheral, music based video games are totally fun. You can end wasted hours upon hours, trying to get the perfect score. So I want to share my top 10 favorite rhythm based video games or series with you guys. Ok, I will get this disclaimer out the way, this is my top 10 favorites, you have yours and I have mine. So please enjoy my list and feel free to comment.
This week will be focusing on numbers 10 through 6 on my list.
10. Rockband series (Harmonix)
If you ask anyone what is one of their favorite rhythm based video games, chances are they will say Rockband. The game series has been out since 2007 and was revived in 2015 with Rockband 4. As of today, over 13 million copies have been sold netting more than $1 billion in total sales. The series so far has over 4,000 songs representing more than 1,200 different artist in its library. The game give the players the option to be on the guitar, drums, bass, or even sing vocals, each one having their own challenges. This is definitely a fun game to play with friends or solo.
9. Lumines (Q Entertainment)
Platform(s): Multi-Platform
This is a be of a cheat here, however I really enjoy this series. This puzzle game series has simple, easy to learn play style. It is pretty much a match 4. You can build combo from accumulating matches as the 'timeline' cycle through the puzzle. This game will keep you on your toes with mastering combos. The faster the music is, the harder it is for you to make combos. The music soundtrack in this game varies from techno to electronica, so you may catch yourself nodding your head or tipping your feet to this game.
8. Dance Central series (Harmonix)
Platform(s): Xbox 360, Xbox One
So you don't want to play a fake guitar or sing vocals, what else can you do? Get up and dance your butt off. Using the Xbox Kinect, your body becomes to the controller. The music for this game was perfectly added to get the body moving. This game has a step by step tutorial to teach how the moves are done. Not only is this is another great party game with friends, this is also a great game for having a workout and losing weight.
7. Theatrhythm final fantasy curtain call (Square Enix)
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
OK, I have to ask you two questions,
1. Are you a Final Fantasy fan?
2. Was the music one of the reasons why?
If both of your answers are yes, then let me introduce you to Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call. This is the sequel to the original game that came out in 2012. Square Enix put a lot of love in this sequel with over 200 playable songs, that not even including the downloadable content. Most of the songs come from various games in the Final Fantasy series along with some other Square Enix games such as Chrno Trigger. You can spent hours playing this game through the Quest mode and Free play options. However, if you are feeling a bit competitive, there is a versus mode. This is a must have, whether you are a 3DS fanboy or a Square Enix head.
6. Child of Eden (Q Entertainment)
Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3
I have to say Child of Eden looks fantastic, when it was first announced back in 2010 during the E3 conference. The graphics for this game were breath taking and the music is memorable. You can play the game using the standard controller but the full effect comes using either the Playstation Move or the Xbox Kinect. This objective in this game is to stop a virus that is attacking a computer program known as Lumi. With every stage you complete, you will free more and more of the program. If you find a copy of this game, please feel free to pick it up.
So, this is the end of part one, I hope you are enjoying my list so far.
Please feel free to comment below.