Life is hard, life is crazy, but, life is amazing. There are so many different tricks, DIYs, and life hacks that we can't always keep track of everything. My three L’s of life are general tips on living life to the fullest. All you have to do is love, learn, and live.
1. Love
Love People: We are always surrounded by people. Whether they are family, friends, or complete strangers, people will always be around. There will always be someone in our lives that needs love. There is a risk of pain and heartache with giving someone your love because he or she may not return it, but you should love him or her anyway. Your love may be the only love someone gets in their life, and you never know how much of an impact you could leave on him or her. The people in our life will not always be there, so love them and enjoy them while they still are.
Love beauty: Beauty is everywhere if we look hard enough. Nature is probably the most beautiful thing to observe because it is raw, unchanged, and unhindered beauty. Sunsets and sunrises are never the same, flowers dance to music we cannot hear, and the moon and stars shimmer like jewels in the sky. Love created beauty like paintings, drawings, sculptures, books, music, and theatre! Enjoy the hard work people have done to produce beauty in their own way.
Love Life: You’ve only got one life, so there is no point in spending the whole time being miserable. Yes, there is pain. Yes, there is heartache. However, the bad times don’t last forever. How we react to the problem accounts for how long the pain lasts. Life is a whirlwind and it’s easy to get swept away by all that happens. When you find yourself getting all caught up in the commotion, slow down, take a deep breath, and just look at everything around you. Look at where you've come from, see how far you've come, and look ahead to your next goal. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not just lived.
Love yourself: There is only one you! Don’t let those nagging feelings of inferiority or insecurities bring you down. You are here for a purpose, and no one else can fulfill that purpose. Love who you are, love your quirks, and love your worth!
Love God: The Creator, the Giver and Sustainer of life, the Comforter. He loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for us so that we could have life! He gave us people, He gave us beauty, and He gave us love. He sacrificed so we could fully understand unconditional love and share that love with others.
2. Learn
Learn from parents: Not all parents are perfect. Not all parents are good. Nonetheless, still take time to learn from them. Whether it is to learn what to do (or what not to do), they’ve had the experience already. Parents can always teach us something.
Learn from teachers: There is a reason we go to school. No, it’s not to torture us for eight or more hours a day. We are sent to school to learn. Teachers are not there to bore us to tears, but to instill knowledge we don’t already get from parents.
Learn from history: Everything that has happened before this moment is history. There’s a lot of it! There is history of thousands of civilizations and trillions of individuals. History holds great accomplishments, great struggles, and great mistakes. If we study history, we too can have accomplishments, learn how to make it through struggles, and what mistakes not to make.
Learn from our own past: I know this will shock you, but I’ve made mistakes. Lots of them. We all have. Sometimes, we make the same ones more than once. But do we learn from those mistakes? Absolutely! Mistakes happen and they will happen in the future, but they help us see our fallibility and humanity. Just brush the dirt off, get back up, and keep going!
3. Live
Live for today: Today has endless possibilities! Live with today in mind, tuck away the regrets from yesterday, and kick out the worries of tomorrow. Make today count. Make moments. Make memories.
Live for others: Put your heart out there. Do nice things. Make people smile. Make a difference. Some of the most rewarding things we can do are the things we do when no one’s looking.
Live for Christ: This is always the most important. We may be the only form of Christ someone will see, so let that light shine bright! Show the world what it really means to live for Him.