Dear Mr. Trump,
I do not know if you are aware of this, but you pretty much just ruined the lives of millions of people in this country. I do not quite understand if you think what you are doing is right for our country but it is not. What you have done is the unspeakable and I will not stand beside you to support this decision. I will never call you my president and I will never respect you as a person or as the president of our country. Taking away someone's rights is definitely not on the list of things that are okay. I am going to share with you what my thoughts are on the horrible decision you decided to make the other day.
I am angry, not only because I am a supporter of the LGBTQIA but also because I have many friends who are transgender. If you do not know what a transgender person is, it's someone who identifies as a gender that they were not born as. I know this may sound confusing and not something we are used to, but get over it. You need to understand that these people are valid and their feelings are valid. I also do not know if you are aware of this either but there are more than two genders.
Another reason why I am angry is because not only have you taken away their rights to use the bathroom they chose, but also their rights as a human. Transgender people are humans, they aren't some alien form they are real. I am angry because you are a bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, ignorant, uneducated man we call as our president. Well sir, if I even should have the audacity to call you that, you are wrong. You are so beyond wrong. We will fight back agaisnt everything you throw at us. We might be sad and upset but we're only becoming stronger. The LGBTQIA community will be your worst nightmare if you continue to let this happen.
I utterly cannot understand why you would even consider yourself a great man. You are a terrible human being. You do not understand the oppression, the hatred, and the demean you have caused for these humans. I will not stand for anything you propose in office because it is not logical. I will fight with every fiber of my being, I will fight until the very death, I will fight every day of my life for my community. To be honest our country would not be falling apart like this if you were never elected for president in the first place. You are awful, you are ignorant, and you are uneducated. Your piles of money and your fancy degrees mean nothing to me you are intelligent at all. You disgust me.
So until you, Mr. Trump, think you are smart enough to give back the rights of Transgender human beings I will fight, and I will argue. You will become so annoyed with my education that I hope it knocks some sense into you. We have enough hatred in the world at the moment because of you. I did not think we could live in a world with so much hatred. Love will trump hate.
A very angry, passionate, strong woman of the LGBTQIA community