As a whole, technology is very underrated, especially by older generations. All you hear about technology, specifically social media, is that it fries kids’ brains and discourages social interaction. On some level, I can agree that the younger generation is a little too consumed by Instagram and Snapchat (because really, why does it matter how many “likes” I get or “snap streaks” I have). But I think our current feelings about social media leave something to be desired.
Social media plays a very important role in our lives, even if we want to deny it. The majority of us have at least one social media account, and we check it at least once a day. It’s an easy way to connect with friends, family and even celebrities. It allows for communication over massive distances. You can meet new people through dating sites and apps. It also allows news to be spread at an incredible speed. Facebook even has a feature that is activated during tragedies where people can mark themselves as “safe” so loved ones will know they’re OK.
I do agree that social media can be used for evil as well as good. Many kids are cyber-bullied across the country. In case anyone doesn’t know, cyberbullying is the act of bullying someone over the internet or any form of technology. The thing that sets cyberbullying apart is that kids can’t escape from it. Regular bullying usually occurs at school, so kids can escape the torment when they go home. With cyberbullying, the comments are always online, and kids are able to bully from a distance. While this is a huge problem, I don’t think this condemns the internet as a source. I think it says more about the character of the kids than the morality of the internet.
Overall, the internet and technology has become an essential component to our society. This can be used for good or evil, it just depends on your perspective and attitude. If we use this newfound tool to spread positivity and love to our loved ones and even strangers, how can it be such a bad thing?