Our Nation has always suffered because of our young country’s desperate desire to be one of the most powerful countries of the world. For the most part, we are an interesting supremacy that has earned the respect of our much older allies, but it came with many sacrifices as these little delicacies always do.
But how good is our supremacy when it lets countless of lives just die under violence? How good is it when statistics show we are letting something like gun violence spike the death count?
I am going to be candid because I can no longer bare the fact that many lives are being taken away by a human-made weapon that is justified for as safety. I hate guns. I also fear the power they give to the human stupidly bold enough to hold one and fire at another living being.
I have tried to keep my opinions to myself about the subject for so long, but I can not silence my voice any longer. It is hard to ignore the emotions that have been building up and my voice has to be heard like the other hundreds of people who have shared their opinions loud and clear for us to hear.
It is a great shame that in the past 7 days we have lost a fantastic singer and almost 49 people due to a gun. However, I am not going to pretend that it was the gun who did the killing when it was the human who pulled the trigger: sane or not.
I will be frank: I was sad and in mourning for the loss of a young artist who had a bright future ahead of her. But when I heard about the Orlando shooting, I refused to read any further into the story because I was in a state of shock. I playfully told my sister I would not hear another word that came from her informative lips about the subject, when in reality I was quietly furious and unsure how my psyche and demeanor should change after a situation like that.
I can easily sympathize with others and that is exactly what I did that dreadful Sunday.
These two dreadful events only earned more media coverage under gun control. Everyone just seemed to be talking about it more or maybe I finally began to start paying attention to the issue. Even Telenovela stars shared their opinions when asked during some celebrity event that evening.
If Mexico is talking about it, I am sure everyone around the world is too. And how does that make our supremacy look now?
I stand with having gun control or at least reform. I wish we could live in a world where guns did not exist, but I have to stop living in a dream and face the reality that guns are a real threat. If there is even the slight chance of limiting the distribution of guns, then I am on board.
I have held a gun and fired with it not so long ago. I am not proud of what guns do, but I thought I would educate myself on how to use one instead of living in clouded ignorance and fear. Now, I am not completely scared of guns, but that does not mean I would ever own one or would want others to own one either.
Safety is important, but it should never have to fall back on a murderous and dangerous object like a gun. There should not be any justification for it.