My Thoughts On Colin Kapernick | The Odyssey Online
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My Thoughts On Colin Kapernick

His Stance Over Rasicm And Police Brutality

My Thoughts On Colin Kapernick
Reuters/Sean Gardner

In early August, football player Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem during the Friday night pregame against the Green Bay Packers. Colin was protesting against racism in America. Colin’s stance has been creating a major discussion over racism and police brutality. Colin stated, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” Many fans and people in America are outraged by his decision.

Personally, I argue that protesting against the national anthem is not something you should do when it comes to racism oppression. Historically speaking, there have been incidents with other athletes. Athletes who have protested the American flag, have been publicly viewed the wrong way and their finances suffer. They have lost their fans, endorsement & advertising deals, and jobs. Athletes like Carlos Delgado from Major League Baseball and Tori Smith from women’s basketball have paid the price for not standing up during the national anthem.

Although people think it was wrong for Colin to protest against the national anthem, I believe he had the right to sit down.

Colin Kaepernick exercised the First Amendment right. The U.S Constitution had stated “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” With Colin choosing to sit down during the national anthem, he exercised his freedom of speech in a peaceful manner.

Another example is Texas v. Johnson Act of 1989. During the Republican National Convention event in Dallas, Texas, in 1884, civilian Gregory Johnson burned the american flag outside of the building where the convention was held. Now, Kaepernick did not burn the American flag, but Kaepernick's and Johnson's actions were similar. With Gregory burning the american flag, there was a 5-4 ruling in favor of him having a “symbolic speech.” Therefore, it was protected. Gregory made a political statement by burning the flag, just how Kaepernick decided to sit down during the national anthem.

According to Colin Kaepernick, Colin sat in respect for all people who have been oppressed by America. People were outraged by what happened, and they have a right to be angry. However, Colin did it in a peaceful manner. Colin was not disrespecting troops. In fact, Colin has people in his life that are fighting for our country. Kaepernick’s choice was to peacefully protest his thoughts instead of causing a scene. He never wanted to hurt anyone during his protest, but there are still people who are offended. He sat quietly during the pledge, and then went on with the game. I would completely understand why people would be upset, he decided to yell, or chose to protest violently. According to the constitution, it does not it states you have to stand for the national anthem. In almost every speech, Republican runner-up, Donald Trump states that America is not great, and many people support him. So then why is it is wrong when Colin Kaepernick sits down peacefully for a good reason people lash out? Our country is not always great sometimes We have our flaws, just like many other countries. We have been taught to be inspired by those who have stood up for what they believe in, but now people are burning a man’s football jersey for standing up against police brutality.

This event has thrown the whole United States into a huge conversation. The question is, should Colin Kaepernick and others be allowed to sit during the national anthem? Absolutely!

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