Everyone knows the feeling. You just spent the last three months hanging out with friends, laying on the beach, at camp, or traveling somewhere. You get into the routine of work and fun which makes it hard to go back to the routine of all the school work, but then all of sudden, it hits like a freight train. You're back to school.
It is a time of year most of us dread from high school to college; nothing seems to change. You get into the routine of work and fun, and you don’t really feel like going back. You don’t want to sit through hour-long lectures that are always followed by homework and studying. You definitely don’t want to be confined to four walls or eat the cafeteria food.
Going back to school in college isn’t just getting school supplies and sitting through class. In college you have to pack up basically everything to move into your dorm. The trick to it is that your dorm doesn’t fit everything. You have to change your whole routine and readjust to life at school.
Despite the dread of move in and starting classes I think most of us were ready to come back. Throughout the summer we weren’t around all of our college friends. We could only stay in contact through text and Snapchat. It is hard to go from being with them all of the time to suddenly not at all. But no worries, I am finally back with all my friends.
It has only been a week and so far we have had good and bad days. One of us has already been sick and to multiple doctors. Already my roommate has kept me up at night. The two of us have been annoyed with each other, and of course, we are both already ready to be done the semester.
Did I mention I love being back just for the fact that my friends and I have so much fun? My roommate and I love to bug each other 24/7, which is awesome because we don’t bug each other to the point that we get pissed off at each other. We also laugh all the time. I might look at her and make a funny face or we talk about something that happened last year and bust up laughing. We sometimes just look over at one another and start hysterically laughing.
Between all my friends, we have laughed so much that we have cried, our stomachs have hurt, and to the point that we can’t stop laughing. College is a different world than being at home. There is just something different to it. Although sometimes I wish I was home and not doing homework or sleeping on this god awful bed, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here with my college friends. We created friendships and memories to last a lifetime.