Throughout my life I have usually considered myself to be at the very least, spiritual. I was raised Catholic, but have since departed that religion due to other personal reasons. Recently I've delved into the world of Paganism and Wicca, as they more closely aligned with what I believe, have experienced, and felt during my life thus far. Along my path of finding and exploring my spirituality I picked up on a nifty little thing called Tarot. A tarot deck consists of 78 cards, with 22 cards called the Major Arcana and 56 cards called the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana chronicle the story the Fool, the unnumbered Major card and their journey towards spiritual self awareness and through the major lessons in life. The Minor Arcana represent different aspects in life, and pieces of the human consciousness and how they effect one's journey. In combination they create a tool to be used to navigate one's life and dilemmas through varying advice that makes sense to the reader, or the person who is receiving the reading.
Tarot has been deemed as a silly 'parlor trick' by many people, I personally have experienced some of the strangest things from my readings in Tarot, many things that have come true as I would have expected, but others have come true in ways I would not have. My experiences in tarot but been nothing short of crazy.
I actually received my first Tarot deck back in 2014, and being the person that I am of course it had to be The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead. It was really interesting how I came about this deck actually, as I was doing some window shopping when I decided to go into a store I had only been in once or twice previously. After browsing a bit, I remember turning towards a shelf and there sat the last box of this deck. I knew that immediately had to be mine, and was even more convinced when I first opened up the deck. What was even funnier was the cashier who checked me out, told me that I would never have a better deck than this one, saying it was her best one.
Excited, I was greeted by a wonderful deck, and a small instruction booklet that I've come to find as one of the funniest and easiest ways to explain tarot: by explaining The Fool's journey through the zombie apocalypse. From my first spread onward, it was this deck that has proven its worth in both reading accuracy, advice potential, and just being damn right rad. These cards just got me. Which, if you don't read tarot cards, you may not understand, but you know when you find something that just understands you, and tells you like it is with no strings attached.. yea that is this deck. One of my most interesting moments with this deck is when I was freaking out about some artwork that I was hoping would get into an art show on campus a couple years ago. Due to my anxiety I was constantly asking for advice, things I needed to hear/should hear, and of course the dread question of "will my work get into the show?", however also at this time I was having hardships with another peer, who also was entering the show. I will admit that I did also ask my deck if this other person would get into the show and was nervous when the answer was described as a hard no. Low and behold, I did get into the show and the other person did not... Now take this story as you will, as of course it really could have been a fluke, but something in my gut says it was not. Regardless of the outcome, I was more so floored with how much that the deck had helped me get through the week of waiting to find out the results.
It is easy to see that from this moment on, I was completely hooked on tarot.
Since my first deck, my collection has actually only gradually grown. I now own both an Egyptian Oracle Deck and the Welcome to Night Vale tarot deck.
For those who know me, you may know that I am obsessed with Welcome to Night Vale, but I found that these cards took quite a bit longer to get to the point I am at with my Zombie deck.
Regardless, tarot has been one of the most interesting and fun hobbies I have gained in my little world, from giving me advice on how I should go about my week to helping answer my questions about my future based on my decisions, not to mention that millions of decks in the world that I need to have in possession. While this is merely a small step on my newfound spiritual journey, it is one that I recommend everyone take regardless of any religious or spiritual affiliations. I wish everyone the best of luck and remember, your future is in the cards!