Moms have a tough job... they carry you for 9 months through the sickness and cravings and all the emotional instability. Then, after 9 months of already sleepless nights, they are rewarded with smelly diapers and more sleepless nights of a wailing baby. Moms stick with you through puberty, heartbreaks, boo-boos, high school, college, and all the transitions that will come your way in life. Moms are basically superheros because let's all face it... no one else can put up with us THAT much.
My mom had a particularly interesting job... She helped me through all the basic "mom duties", but life had some not so common tasks for her in mind. My mom hasn't only helped me through some of the roughest years in high school being bullied. She went to the hundreds (ok, maybe an exaggeration) of appointments when doctors found two brain tumors. My mom helped me feel more confident when I transferred schools. She supported my dreams when no one else did. She even supported my "name change" in Kindergarten because I didn't like how it was spelled.
Above all these things, my mom supported me with my mental illness. When I was diagnosed with severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder and chronic Depression, my mom made sure I got the best help possible. She paid that extra money so I could have the counselor I opened up most too, instead of an "insurance covered worker". She answers the late night- and I'm talking 2am- panicked phones calls for whatever reason I was upset. She's had her lap tear and snot soaked from nights I cried for hours because I couldn't seem to stop it. My mom would make excuses for to the rest of my family so they'd leave me alone on my worst day. Not to mention how many times she'd make popcorn for herself only to have me steal it because of a bad day, but she didn't complain, she just made more. I'm pretty sure having an adult child sit in your lap is quite painful, but my mom would let me do it, or at least lay my head on her lap. Of course, I can't forget the "morning after" cuddles where she would remind me that "this boy didn't define you and you'll find the right one. God already has him lined up."
My mom has been my rock through my life. Always praying for me and reminding me to trust God. My mom is my best friend, and I don't just mean the whole "omg my mom is like my best friend" kind of way that is an "expected norm". I really mean that my mom is my best friend. She's the first person I talk to about anything. All my friends comment "You guys are so cute" after my mom and me end a conversation with "See ya later, alligator", "after while, crocodile", "see ya soon, ya big baboon", and my all time favorite "love the llama" (hand motions are even included). All my friends love my mom, and will say "your mom is so cool" and I just smirk and go "yeah, I know".
Even in class, when there's the "who is your hero" topic, I don't think my answer has ever been different than "my mom". At least, not that I can remember.
Lastly, to all moms out there. Let me remind you- yes, even my mom, this applies to you too- it's not your job to fix us. As much as you believe that it's "mom's job" to make it go away... it's not. I assure all of you, when you see your baby struggling and you say "I can't help my kid, I'm a horrible parent." HUSH IT! We know you love us, and we may be difficult and smart mouthed, but when we say "You're my mom, that's your job." We couldn't be more relieved that it's "your job". Cause in a world of hate and rejection, we- your forever babies- know that we are safe and sound with mom. When the world makes us feel hated and abused, we know that at least one person loves us 100% no matter how much we've done to make you hate us. They are the real MVP. Moms are just Superheros with stained shirts and gray hairs that have been justly earned-mainly cause by us children, but we will continue to deny this because we are perfect angels. Moms just rule in every way possible.