I know the semester just started, but I am looking forward to the summer. This will be no ordinary summer; I’ll be done with my undergraduate career! Here are the top 5 things that I am planning to make this summer even more unforgettable than it already will be:
1. Spending a lifetime with my fiance.
My fiancé and I have spent a lot of time being apart because I was in school. After I graduate, we’ll spend more time together than we ever have.
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2. Visiting distant friends.
I’ll finally have the time to take road trips visiting friends and family in different states. Lots of food and celebration!
3. Making money.
Before I can take road trips I’ll definitely need a job. I’ll start working this summer hopefully somewhere I can stay for a while to get used to my future career in human services and communications. This is loose; I’m not sure where I’ll work but any job is better than no job, for the most part. By the way I'm still making and selling lotion bars!
4. Spending time in Philly.
My family and I moved to Philly six years ago, (seven in June), and although I spent my sophomore, junior and senior high school years in center city; I still do not feel well-acquainted with the city. I want to experience Philly outside of academic setting; just go to hang out!
5. Getting a puppy.
I love my cat Shadow, but I would really, really, really love to have a dog.