Hello, for those who don’t know me, My name is Elizabeth. I am 18 and i’ll be going to Kansas State University this fall. I want to share my story with you today because I want to make a change in at least one persons life.
In the year 2012 my parents got a divorce and that was probably the hardest thing that a 12 year old girl could go threw at the time. I felt completely helpless and i had no control over the situation. my mom, baby sister, and i had just gotten back from my grandparents house over Spring break and we came home to an empty house. All of my dads stuff was no where to be found. I told my Mom and she called my dad and he came over to tell us what was happening. I knew in my spirit that divorce wasn't a good thing because i had a couple of friends that had divorced parents but i didn't know what that meant at the time. I looked up the definition of that word and it said that a family was being torn apart by a piece of paper and a court order.
It didn't hit me that my family was being torn apart until i found out my dad cheated on my mom with her friend while still married. I feel into a deep state of depression and anxiety for a long time. i didn't think there would be a way out. i wanted to commit suicide so many times but looking back i'm glad i didn't because during that time of heart break and disaster, I ran to Jesus day after day asking him for help and direction. He is the one who kept me in my right mind and off of drugs, sex, and he kept me off of the path of destruction because that is what satan wanted.
If you are struggling right now with anything, run to Jesus. He is always there with open arms. He can heal and fix you just like he did me. i promise you that.