It took one diagnosis for me to find out just how many people around the world suffer from an invisible illness. Also I found out how hard it is to get doctors to listen to you or how easily they give up on you. It's not only doctors, but friends and family also don't understand, some may not even believe you are sick.
After many years of being sick and in pain. Countless trips to the emergency room and doctor appointments, I was finally given a diagnosis. My doctor called me in to give me the results of my latest test and as I sat and waited he simply said,"You have Gastroparesis, take these pills and you'll be fine." For a moment I had hope, I'd been given a diagnosis and medicine so surely I would start feeling better. Well once I got home and looked up my illness I found out it wasn't going to be as easy as he made it seem. For those of you that don't know , Gastroparesis is basically having a paralyzed stomach. Somehow your vagnus nerve gets damaged and your stomach works slowly, if it does at all. Imagine what it is like to have the flu or a stomach virus, how sick you are , and how hard it is to get out of bed. And even as you begin to get better you still suffer the fatigue from being sick and not eating. This is how someone with Gastroparesis feels everyday! I soon found the pills didn't help at all and I was constantly in pain and nauseous. I couldn't eat and I had to force myself to drink. I was sent to several medical universities and went through lots of tests. By the time I was done with all that I was taking 30 pills a day just to help with symptoms. I consider myself one of the lucky ones, I know that makes no sense. Many who suffer from this illness have to get a feeding tube and others either die from complications or some even take their own lives. See Gastroparesis has no cure and not many doctors are educated enough about this illness.
Most of us live in silence, preferring to keep our illness hidden. Sometimes that is the easiest way to deal with this illness. It's hard going to family holidays and trying to dodge all the questions about why you aren't eating. And the people we share it with ask every time they see us if we are doing better. Sure we have our "good" days but they are nothing like your good days. Getting out of bed is a big accomplishment, taking a shower and getting dressed is even bigger! So if you know anyone suffering from any illness don't ask if they are better or when they are going to be better. Instead visit them, help them out if you can, and just be there for them. I hope one day those of us that suffer from these illnesses will get at least some relief, maybe even a cure. Until then we will continue to spread awareness and lean on each other and we won't give up hope!!